傳薪創新 History




The CHIBS campus in Beitou.





A vision is coming true in DDM, 1989.

  2007年4月「法鼓佛教研修學院」獲准設立,5月開始招收第一屆研究生,中華佛學研究所培育人才的工作,正式交由「法鼓佛教研修學院」接手,中華佛研所則持續學術研究與出版交流的任務。特別是創辦人 聖嚴師父2009年2月捨報後,承繼師父一心繫念的「漢傳佛教」研究之推動與提倡,將是本所下一階段的重點工作。



Faculty and Staff, 2003.


Lamas in a language class.

Lamas and their tutors.


1. 中華電子佛典─藏經電子化
2. 國際佛學資料庫的建制與應用
3. 佛研所全球資訊網頁之架設
4. 佛學研究資訊化之開展與推廣

DDBC inauguration, 2007.


Group picture of CBETA staff.


Combining Buddhist Studies with Digital Dictionary.

Tilling the Soil, Planting Good Seeds

The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies (CHIBS) was established by Venerable Master Sheng Yen in 1985. In 2001, CHIBS relocated to the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education located in Jinshan Township, Taiwan. In 2006, CHIBS successfully passed the requirements of the Ministry of Education to establish the first private Buddhist College-Dharma Drum Buddhist College-in Taiwan. In 2007 CHIBS stopped enrolling students, transferring that responsibility to Dharma Drum Buddhist College. Since the passing away of Master Sheng Yen in February 2009, CHIBS has continued to concentrate on being a global advocate for the academic study and research of Chinese Buddhism, thereby fulfilling one of the main concerns of Master Sheng Yen.

Together with Sheng Yen Education Foundation, CHIBS now employs its full range of talent and resources to encourage research and propagation of Chinese Buddhism both at home and abroad. One very successful application of CHIBS’s resources has been a co-operative publishing venture with Columbia University in New York City, whereby CHIBS locates and finances excellent research projects on aspects of Chinese Buddhism from the Sung dynasty to the Republican Era, and assists Columbia University and the Columbia University Press in their publication. As well, research works in Chinese will be published by Dharma Drum Publishing Corp. CHIBS also helps universities worldwide with financing for conferences and workshops dealing with aspects of Chinese Buddhism. In addition CHIBS provides exchange students and scholars with assistance in pursuing their researches with Chinese Buddhism. Finally, CHIBS continues publish its internationally-renowned Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal in English and will re-introduce to readers the multi-lingual journal Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies, showcasing the research outcomes of graduate students.

During CHIBS’s years as an educational training institution, its educational structure primarily involved a three-year intensive Buddhist Studies program. Just as with DDBC today, there were three programs in Buddhist Studies-Indian Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Chinese Buddhism-and one Digital Studies program in Buddhist Informatics. In its Buddhist Studies programs, CHIBS offered thorough training in the main canonical languages of Sanskrit, Pali, classical Buddhist Chinese, and Tibetan. Students studied at least two of these Buddhist canonical languages. Most students also opted for courses in Japanese and English as well. A Master's Thesis was required for graduation. It was permissible to write the thesis in Chinese or English.

A special feature of the Institute was that students had access to international Buddhist Studies professors and research resources. During its three decades of operation as an educational institute, the Institute invited numerous renowned international and domestic scholars to take positions as part-time and full-time researchers and professors. In order to broaden students’ vision, and to make academic exchanges within the international research community, CHIBS invited many foreign scholars to give lectures or hold seminars. In addition, CHIBS established sister relationships with ten famous universities in Asia, America, Europe, Russia, and Mainland China, including the University of Virginia (U.S.A), the University of Saint-Petersburg the State University (Russia), the University of Michigan (U.S.A.), Rissho University (Japan), and others.

CHIBS regularly holds Chung-Hwa International Conferences on Buddhism. The theme of the first international conference was “Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society”; the second, “Traditional Buddhist Precepts and the Modern World”; the third, “The ‘Earthly’ Pure Land and Contemporary society”; the fourth, “The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century”; and the fifth“Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and Modern Society”.

One of CHIBS innovative programs was the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Exchange Program, co-sponsored by the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission and the Buddhist Seminary of Dharma Drum Sangha University. This program ran from 2001 to 2007, and was established with the aim of providing Tibetan monks who were teaching Buddhism in Taiwan with an opportunity to study Chinese language and to offer them exposure to Chinese Culture. At the same time, students from the Institute and the Sangha University were invited to attend the Tibetan monks’ presentations on Vajrayana Buddhism and Tibetan culture. This program proved to be very successful in enhancing a mutual understanding and respect between the Taiwanese and Tibetan students.

A meeting of International Scholars.

Today, CHIBS facilities in the Education and Administration Building co-exist with Dharma Drum Buddhist College. The Education and Administration Building houses an International Conference Hall and Library and Information Center. The International Conference Hall has been built to incorporate state-of-the-art multi-media electronic equipment and is designed to accommodate large scale international academic conferences. The Library, now renamed The Library and Information Center, consists of five floors with a total area of 2,785 square meters. It houses over 50,000 volumes and subscribes to 518 periodicals, making it one of the largest Buddhist Studies collections in Asia. It holds one of the world’s largest collections of canonical editions, more than 50 editions of the Buddhist Canon in various scripts and languages.

Thanks to its advanced research capabilities, CHIBS was able to establish the Buddhist Studies Information Network Center in 1998. The Center helped researchers of Buddhism to effectively access the entire Tripitaka as well as twelve separate collections of scriptures. CHIBS supported the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA) in converting the Taisho Tripitaka and the Xuzangjing (Zokuzokyo), as well as numerous other academic research projects, into electronic text formats. In total, over 100 million words have been digitized.