

09 本所的前身,「中華學術院佛學研究所」由中國文化大學的創辦人張其昀先生正式創立。

10/12 中華學術院佛學研究所禮聘文學博士聖嚴法師為所長。

08/03 是年秋季,中華學術研究院佛學研究所,開始招考第一屆研究生。

08 該年秋季,聖嚴法師創立「中華佛學研究所」,繼續招生。

07/01 本所奉教育部核准立案,並於八月二十二日舉行成立大會。同年,將《華岡佛學學報》更名為《中華佛學學報》。

07/24 本所自本年度起開始聘任專任研究人員,同時設置各大學碩、博士論文獎學金,並每年舉辦大專佛學夏令營。

04 四月間,本所開始著手遷建計畫,於台北縣金山鄉購置土地近六十五甲,命名為法鼓山,以建立國際佛教教育文化中心為目標,積極建設中。

01/12-15 本所於中央圖書館,舉辦第一屆「中華國際佛學會議」,以「佛教倫理與現代社會」為本屆會議主題,並以「佛教傳統與現代社會」為永久會議主題。本屆會議計有二十餘國,一百多位學者共同與會,共發表論文四十二篇。

01/01 教育部核定由方甯書教授代表 聖嚴法師擔任本所所長。
07/18-21 本所主辦的「第二屆中華國際佛學會議」,假台北圓山大飯店召開,此次會議的主題為「傳統戒律與現代世界」,計有來自十多國之一百多位學者參加,發表之論文計二十六篇。
09/15 本所董事會決議,由聖嚴法師為代表人,以專案向教育部申請設立法鼓人文社會學院。

07/23-25 由中國文化復興總會主辦,本所承辦的「佛教與中國文化國際學術會議」假中央圖書館舉行,共有中、英、日等四十六篇論文發表。
08/01 聘第二屆校友惠敏法師擔任本所副所長。

08/25-27 由本所主辦的第六屆研究生佛學論文聯合發表會,計有三十一篇論文發表。

07/01 方甯書所長卸任,轉任董事會常務董事;李志夫教授接任本所所長,仍兼本所董事會所申請之法鼓人文社會學院籌備處主任。

03 本所於原《中華佛學學報》之外,另創刊《中華佛學研究》,提供青年學者學術發表的園地。
07/19-21 本所於國家圖書館舉辦第三屆「中華國際佛學會議」,本屆會議主題為「人間淨土與現代社會」,發表論文共計四十六篇。
10/01 本所李志夫所長卸任兼法鼓大學籌備處主任,由國家圖書館前館長曾濟群教授接任首任校長。

06 教育部核准「私立法鼓人文社會學院」許可籌設。
07/07-09 由中華發展基金管理委員會贊助、本所主辦之兩岸佛學教育交流座談會、博覽會,於國立師範大學綜合大樓舉行,海峽兩岸共有二十多所佛學院所參與此次活動。

05/08 本所榮獲行政院大陸委員會所辦理的「第三屆從事兩岸文教交流績優團體」藝文類績優團體獎。
10/16 由本所主辦及法鼓山各單位協辦之「法鼓山淨土專題研討會」,於北投華僑會館舉行,共發表論文六篇及一場「念佛與祈福」法會。
10/29 本所創辦人聖嚴法師與國立臺灣大學陳維昭校長簽定「佛學數位圖書館暨博物館」經營合作契約。由中華佛學研究所網路資訊室負責「佛學數位圖書館暨博物館」的資料蒐集、組織與數位化等工作。

11/07 蒙藏委員會藏事處初步提議與本所合作,就長期停留國內弘揚藏傳佛教的西藏僧侶,提供其學習華語文暨以華語弘揚西藏佛法的訓練計畫。此計畫初期定名為「合作培訓西藏駐臺弘法喇嘛計畫」,簡稱為「合作培訓計畫」。
12/20 本所與法鼓山僧伽大學、蒙藏委員會達成合作共識,將「合作培訓計畫」正式更名為「漢藏佛學文化交流研究班」。



維習安顧問、杜正民老師參加於香港城市大學舉行的2001 PNC Annual Conference & Joint Meetings。維習安顧問推展TEI研習,杜正民老師發表〈標記語言的應用─電子佛典與TEI〉。兩人並於會場展示與解說CBETA作業流程與成果內容。
03/03 日本立正大學前任校長渡邊寶陽博士帶領「日本友好團暨廣明寺代表」共21人至本所參訪。
03/07 俄國聖彼得堡大學東方研究所Kychanov所長及索羅寧副教授來所訪問。
03/20 「漢藏佛學文化交流研究班」第二次協調會議確認「漢藏佛學文化交流研究班」改為「漢藏佛教文化交流研究班」,並確定招生相關事宜。本班創立宗旨為:促進漢藏佛教文化交流,使漢藏佛教發展更具多元化。
03/20 本所網資室顧問維習安博士,於四月赴日本京都大學任教,臨別前邀請其演講,講題:「電腦、佛典與研究方法──電子佛典的過去與未來──中華佛學研究所三年回顧」。
03/28 本所締約學校日本立正大學佛教學部三友健容部長蒞所,並舉行《聖嚴博士古稀記念論集─東...教.諸問題》日文版出版,暨致贈該書500冊作為賀禮。
04/06 教育部宗教教育專案小組,計有恆清法師、李豐楙、林端、林本炫、蔡彥仁、林鴻信、顧忠華、徐會文共八位教授至本所訪視。並與本所師生舉行座談會,察訪相關宗教研修學院成立之可行性。



04/21 Dr. David Leonard(Dean of International and Area Studies)及美國柏克萊大學藍卡斯特博士與惠敏法師、杜正民老師洽談CBETA與CDL合作計畫。
04/24 惠敏法師與杜正民老師於「中小學教師數位博物館素養訓練班」介紹《玄奘西域行》資料運用。
05/17 澳洲釋迦牟尼佛學院廣波法師等三位訪客蒞臨本所,瞭解本所辦學情形。
05/25-26 副所長惠敏法師及網資室主任杜正民老師應邀至韓國東國大學,參加「2001年電子佛典推進協議會(EBTI)」。惠敏法師、杜老師各發表:〈漢文電子佛典製作與應用之研究──以《瑜伽師地論》為例〉及〈中華電子大藏經2001〉論文。
06/05 服務於本所十五年的印度籍教授穆克紀,於本年7月退休;臨別舉行演講會,講題:「喬達摩成佛─尼柯耶傳統的分析」。
06/05 發表「穆克紀教授訪臺講學紀念專輯」光碟測試版。
06/06 美國加州舊金山大學利瑪竇中西文化歷史研究所研究員黃克鑣神父,偕同輔仁大學二位老師來訪,並舉行小型座談。
06/13-20 杜正民主任代表本所至美國紐約大學參加「電腦與人文國際會議」,並發表論文“The Adaption and Breakthrough of Chinese Documents Encoding: A Case Study of CBETA Digital Tripitaka and TEI”與展示說明;6月18.20日,至「北美導師基金會」報告中華電子佛典協會今年進度、成果與財務等業務。
06/14 第六次法鼓山搬遷專案會議,本所新館圖書館正式更名為「圖書資訊館」;原圖書館暨第一書庫圖書預定於11月初搬遷至法鼓山教育行政大樓一樓臨時館。
06/20 本所八十九學年度獲國科會人文組甲種研究獎勵費者,計有:李志夫所長《摩訶止觀之研究》及楊郁文老師《由人間佛法透視緣起、我、無我、空》二書。
07/21 邀請日本京都大學人文科學研究所副教授維習安博士蒞臨演講,講題:「主題地圖」。
07/25 美國維吉尼亞大學宗教系霍普金斯教授蒞所專題演講,其講題為:「死亡與微細心」。當日並就該系與本所締結學術交流事宜,達成具體共識。
08/08 邀請美國天主教大學助理教授周文廣博士蒞臨演講,講題:「從西方與佛教的觀點談宗教的多樣性」。
09/11 本所與法鼓山僧伽大學、蒙藏委員會三個單位合辦的「漢藏佛教文化交流研究班」,於9月11日報到,9月17日正式上課。
09/14 杜正民老師進行行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫:「數位博物館計畫:玄奘西域行子計畫(1)」報告。
09/17 「漢藏佛教文化交流研究班」正式上課。本期共錄取九位藏僧,背景涵蓋寧瑪、薩迦、噶舉、格魯等四個教派。課程安排除了漢語課程外,還包括中國佛教史、各宗介紹、漢藏佛教名相對讀及電腦應用等課程。
09/30 於法鼓山舉行「法鼓山啟用─僧伽大學佛學院創校暨開學、中華佛學研究所九十學年度開學暨畢結業、漢藏佛教文化交流研究班始業及本所第十二屆佛教學術徵文頒獎」聯合典禮。
10/02 福嚴佛學院院長厚觀法師,率領師生三十餘人到法鼓山參訪。
10/06 中華護僧協會理事長傳孝法師率八位會員來訪,並贈予本所獎助學金。
10/14 杜正民老師參加「第一屆臺灣當代佛教發展研討會」,並發表「佛教網站發展─因陀羅網與電腦網路」。
10/17 杜正民老師接任本所圖書資訊館館長一職。
11/09-16 由陸委會與本所共同主辦「兩岸佛學教育研究現況與發展研討會」。計有八位大陸學者與會,共發表論文15篇。



01/15 網資室發行「緬甸貝葉聖典光碟」專輯及「年度佛研所光碟」專輯。
01/18-20 本所於中央研究院學術活動中心舉辦第四屆中華國際佛學會議,含主題演說共發表卅七篇論文(英文十九篇、中文十六篇及二篇主題演說)。發表論文學者除國內學者外,尚有來自英國、德國、印度、日本國、韓國、泰國、美國、俄羅斯及中國大陸等三十三位;近四百人與會。
01/24 英國布里斯托大學魯柏葛汀教授蒞所演講,講題為:「佛陀究竟說了什麼?略談巴利尼柯耶研究之方法論問題」。
03/06 圖書資訊館正式舉行啟用典禮,對外開放服務。
03/21 馬天賜神父陪同新加坡佛教總會執行祕書簡芳彥居士來訪,由李志夫所長接待參觀本所。
04/01 圖書資訊館副館長由果見法師接任。
04/08 敦煌研究院名譽院長段文杰先生來訪,由創辦人聖嚴師父陪同參觀本所。
04/08-25 日本立正大學三友健容教授蒞所做專題講座,講題為:1.「阿毗達磨原理」,2.「梵文寫本解讀」。
04/19 法國駐臺代表Mrs. Elisabeth Laurin 及副代表Mr. Pierre Fournier由貝葉研究專家Dr. Jacqueline Filliozat陪同來訪法鼓山佛教教育園區。
04/25 本所發行《鑑往知來─兩岸佛學教育現況與發展研討會論文專輯》。
05/18 大陸南開大學信息技術學院李慶誠教授、王計會及新林科技副總經理何從安先生來訪。
05/19-26 惠敏法師、杜正民、米瑞克和周邦信應邀參加奧斯陸大學與挪威科學與文學研究院舉辦的「佛教文獻索引典」合作計劃。
05/27 大陸西安市佛教協會常務理事素融法師等一行四人來訪。
06/15 臺灣宗教學會年度報告,杜正民報告:中華佛學研究所現況。
06/17 法籍馬天賜神父陪同利氏學社研究員高照民神父來訪。
06/17 泰國「善地阿索」僧團靜相法師偕法師及居士一行十人來訪。
06/18 印度駐臺代表Mr. Gupta暨夫人等來訪。
06/28 尼加拉瓜文化部部長Mr. Napoleon Chow蒞臨法鼓山佛教教育園區參訪,由於Mr. Chow本人已有二十年以上的禪修經驗,他特別向果光法師與李所長等陪同人員請教禪修與禪法宏傳相關問題。
07/05 美國維吉尼亞大學霍普金斯教授蒞所演講,講題為:「如何做人或解脫─請聽龍樹說」。
07/09 藏傳白教直貢噶舉派上師南卓仁波切等七人來訪。
07/21 印度德里大學中文系Anita Sharma教授偕家人來訪。
07/31 本所圖書館新進「永樂北藏」一套入館典藏。
08/01 本所新增三名研究人員:蔡伯郎老師,文化大學哲學博士,助理研究員並兼任本所佛學推廣教育中心主任;黃繹勳老師,美國維吉尼亞大學宗教研究所博士,助理研究員並兼任本所研發組組長;見弘法師,日本九州大學文學博士,助理研究員並兼任本所教務組組長。
08/01 原佛學推廣教育中心主任張元隆先生離職,改由本所助理研究員蔡伯郎老師兼任推廣中心主任職。
08/03 北京師範大學哲學系徐文明副教授來訪。
08/05 美國天主教大學周文廣教授蒞所演講,講題為:「中國淨土宗的倫理與修行基礎」。
08/07-11 本所李志夫所長應邀前往大陸參加五台山國際佛學會議。
08/09 國際CEO組織:亞都麗緻大飯店葉淑芬協理、東和鋼鐵侯貞雄董事長、理律法律事務所徐小波先生/夫人、臺灣工業銀行董事長駱錦明先生/夫人、麗嬰房林泰生先生/夫人、理律法律事務所劉文芳小姐在果霽法師、林新興主任、錢文珠菩薩陪同參觀本所。
08/10 本所圖書館提供專門的圖書館資料給國家圖書館,使圖書資料匯入《中華民國九十一年圖書館年鑑》中。
08/10 本所與中國人民大學佛教與宗教學理論研究所簽定交流合約書。該所於同年12月27日至92年2月9日,派博士生邱環同學前來本所參學。
08/16-23 本所杜正民應邀至北美印順導師基金會擔任暑期課程講員。
08/30 金山鄉長游忠義暨金山地區的行政長官與相關部會人員來訪。
09/19-24 本所杜正民參加日本大阪大學舉辦的太平洋鄰里協會(PNC)2002年日本大阪年會暨聯合會議,發表論文為:「XML, TEI 與 DC 於佛學數位資料的應用」。
09/20 日本愛知大學助教授蓑輪顯量教授、林淳教授、研究生鄭夙雲、學術振興會外國人特別研究員 Dr. Gyana Ratna 暨筑波大學山中弘教授等一行五人來訪。
09/24 創辦人聖嚴師父邀約本所早期護法菩薩五十餘人回法鼓山敘舊。
10/07 香港《文淵閣四庫全書電子版》負責人余志明及其夫人與顧問等五人,由中研院謝清俊教授陪同來訪。
10/12 印度德里大學佛學系系主任 Dr. Bhikshu Satyapala 來訪。
11/05 法國《佛教真相》雜誌總編輯Mr. Jean-Pierre Chambraud暨Mrs. Christine Chambraud-Bouchet來訪。該雜誌為專業之佛教雜誌,以報導法國及國際佛教發展為宗旨,創立於1999年。
11/12 本所締約學校日本花園大學創立一百三十週年校慶,由副所長惠敏法師代表本所前往祝賀。
11/25 各宗教代表成立宗教研修學院促進會,李志夫所長被推舉為該會總幹事,推動宗教教育納入正式學制,並於11月21日拜會立法院王金平院長;28日拜會立法院各黨團;12月5日拜會教育部黃榮村部長。
11/30 本所圖書館拍攝並製作完成教學版簡介錄影帶。
12/01-07 本所圖書館舉辦遷入法鼓山首屆圖書館週相關活動。
12/08 本所於安和分院舉辦《臺灣佛學院所教育年鑑第一輯》發表會;由策劃人李志夫所長邀請恆清法師、昭慧法師、蕭金松、楊惠南及藍吉富等教授進行座談會,主題為:「臺灣佛教教育今後之發展與合作」。
12/08-13 惠敏法師及杜正民參加泰國朱拉隆功大學舉辦的第十三屆國際佛學會議,杜正民並發表論文:「玄奘絲路行:數位博物館計畫與詮釋資料」。


01/29 美國加州西藏悲智中心阿嘉仁波切一行六人,參觀法鼓山佛教教育園區、男寮及工程等,並於海會廳與本所李志夫所長、果光法師、果見法師、杜正民館長、Hopkins教授及廖本聖老師等人座談交流。當日下午,會晤聖嚴師父。阿嘉仁波切並與聖嚴師父合寫一幅「佛法僧寶」的條幅,師父稱此幅作品乃「漢藏合璧」,已留所珍藏。
02/01-15 新春拜見聖嚴師父活動,本所「佛教藝術研究中心」舉辦書畫義賣展。聖嚴師父並於2月10日下午於安和分院以茶會招待中華書畫學會主要書畫家,同時致贈紀念品及團體合影紀念。
02/17 佛陀教育中心負責人海濤法師暨隨行菩薩共十五人蒞臨法鼓山拜見聖嚴師父,並參觀本所圖書資訊館。
02/19 李春金基金會董事長李春金女士來訪。
02/20 合和集團李世揚先生在聖嚴師父的陪同下來訪。
02/21 聖嚴師父在階梯教室為教育園區師生、同仁作專題演講,題目為:「漢傳佛教文化及其古文物」。
02/24 達蘭莎拉辯經學院之阿旺喇嘛一行人來訪。
02/28 本所網資室發行「中華佛學研究所廿週年專輯:耕耘播種」光碟版。
03/16 臺大教授恆清法師與臺灣大學及臺北藝術大學等合作專案主持人拜見聖嚴師父,報告專案及參觀圖資館。
03/19 倫珠梭帕格西作專題演講並參訪本所。
03/21 副總統呂秀蓮來訪本所創辦人聖嚴法師。
03/28 聖嚴師父親臨主持上午9:30假臺北國軍英雄館中正廳舉行本所「佛教藝術研究中心」成立大會,約有三百人與會。
04/08 大陸學者王雷泉教授等七位及仁俊長老來訪。
04/12 換鵝書會國內知名書法家杜忠誥教授等來訪。
04/17 德國Arent Teichmann教授暨臺大陳顯武教授、周美惠女士蒞臨法鼓山參訪。
04/22 湖南省社會科學院哲學研究所萬里研究員等四位大陸學者蒞臨法鼓山佛教教育園區參訪,同時對本所歷年來所主辦之國際會議及教學成果與未來發展等甚為關注。
04/23 蒙藏委員會鍾月豐處長蒞臨本所作專題演講,講題:「民主社會的素養」。
04/24 本所李志夫所長與臺大教授恆清法師出席旁聽立法院教育與文化委員會召集人洪秀柱委員所主持之會議,審查私校法第九條增設宗教研修學院條款之修正案。
05/01 網資室架設本所e-Learning網站(http://elearning.chibs.edu.tw),完成相關管理辦法及功能。
05/07 蒙藏委員會徐榮松科長蒞所與漢藏班學員們交流,會後並討論有關續辦的協調會議。
05/28 臺灣西藏交流基金會副祕書長翁仕杰蒞所為研所學生及漢藏班學員作專題講座,講題:「西藏佛典漢譯之思考」。
06/11 蒙藏委員會鍾月豐處長蒞所為學員說明第三屆漢藏班的招生型態並給予學員未來計畫的關懷。
06/26 本所獲得國科會九十二年度補助專題研究計畫案二件:(一)陳英善老師:「天臺四教斷惑之研究(II-I)」。(二)廖本聖老師:「西藏文本《〈大宗義〉詞義釋》的譯注研究(1/2)」。
06/27 弘誓基金會董事長昭慧法師陪同慈濟及佛光山代表來所商討印順長老百歲學術會議並參觀法鼓山佛教教育園區。
06/30 圖書館出版《法鼓山中華佛學研究所圖書資訊館遷館週年暨圖館週紀念特刊》。
07/01 本所新設的佛學資訊組延聘謝清俊、歐陽彥正、維習安、許素朱等教授任教。
08/10 佛教藝術研究中心學員一百三十多位參訪法鼓山佛教教育園區,下午至農禪寺聆聽聖嚴師父開示。
08/19 本所李志夫所長陪同聖嚴師父拜訪立法院王金平院長商洽宗教研修學院相關問題。
08/29 天主教樞機主教單國璽暨臺灣高鐵董事長殷琪來訪。
09/04 萊頓大學圖書館館長Hanno Lecher及Axel Schneider教授參訪圖書資訊館並會見李志夫所長。
09/05 知名演員李連杰在聖嚴師父的陪同下來訪。
09/07-08 本所與大陸佛教協會於北京法源寺合辦「兩岸第二屆佛學教育座談會」。
09/09-11 本所與大陸中國社會科學院佛教研究中心等單位合辦的「法顯與中國佛教文化─紀念法顯赴印取經由嶗山登陸回國1590週年」研討會,於青島黃海飯店會議廳舉行;9月12.16日參訪山東名勝古蹟。
09/15 本所與大陸山東大學宗教、科學與社會問題研究所簽署學術交流協定書。
10/18-19 由陸委會委託本所舉辦「兩岸佛教學術研究現況與教育發展研討會」,研討會地點於法鼓山教育行政大樓一樓演講廳;10月20.23日另安排大陸學者參訪各佛學院所活動。
10/13 中國山東大學,派遣兩位交換學生周杰、馬忠庚前來本所,進行為期三個月的參學。
11/05-11 本所館長杜正民代表本所參加於泰國曼谷舉辦的PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings 2003(PNC/ECAI)。並於會議中發表論文及作展示。
11/14 中華信義神學院王榮昌博士暨挪威「亞略巴古學會」學者共三位來訪。
11/19 佛光大學宗教學系系主任劉國威教授陪同美國史丹佛大學佛教中心主任Carl Bielefeldt教授等六人來訪。
11/22-23 由蒙藏委員會主辦,本所協辦「當代藏學學術研討會」於福華國際文教會館公務人力發展中心前瞻廳召開。
11/24-26 參與蒙藏委員會所舉辦之「國際藏學會議」之學者沈衛榮教授等來訪。
本所交流學校俄羅斯聖彼得堡大學東方語言學系副教授Dr. Pavel L. Grokhovski來所進行短期研究。
12/01-06 圖書館舉辦圖書館週系列:「與作者的心靈相約──從當代佛教人物的側寫中耕耘心田」座談會等相關慶祝活動。
12/04-08 本所李志夫所長與館長杜正民應香港佛教三德弘法中心之邀,參加「佛教與當代社會學術研討會」,並發表論文。
12/09-11 本所副所長惠敏法師、杜正民老師、周邦信老師及佛學資訊學程學生,參加由元智大學中語系主辦的「第一屆文學與資訊科技會議」。於會中發表「數位化古籍校勘版本處理技術─以CBETA大正藏電子佛典為例」。
12/10 尼泊爾度母寺住持珠脫仁波切與隨行菩薩十二人來訪。
12/11 臺中慈光禪學研究所所長惠空法師陪同六位大陸學者來訪。
12/17 蒙藏基金會徐正光董事長蒞所為漢藏班學員作專題演講,講題:「多元文化主義的發展:臺灣的經驗」。


01/15 網資室發行CBETA電子佛典系列新版大正藏1-55冊及85冊,光碟中新增卍續藏襌宗部21冊。
01/20 第九屆畢業校友證融法師,取得日本龍谷大學文學研究科佛教學專攻博士,論文指導教授為神子上惠生教授與芳村博實教授,論文題目:《『婆沙論』.中心...說一切有部.修道論─主.見道前.中心...研究》(《以『婆沙論』為中心說一切有部之修道論─主要以見道前為中心之研究》)。
01/22-25 圖書館配合春節初一至初四的活動舉辦「供養法寶.請經入館」募款活動,截至元月三十一日為止共募得肆拾捌萬壹仟肆佰元整,同時開放二樓供訪客參觀。
02/04 中華民國駐教廷特命全權大使戴瑞明先生伉儷暨女公子來訪,由聖嚴師父、李志夫所長陪同參觀法鼓山佛教教育園區。
02/24-29 三年級研究生林恕安同學代表本所參加由創辦人聖嚴師父帶領,在泰國曼谷召開之聯合國世界亞太青年和平高峰會議。
02/27 「海峽兩岸佛教音樂展」成員八十四人蒞臨法鼓山佛教教育園區參觀。
02/29 所長李志夫、執行祕書陳秀蘭與僧伽大學佛學院副院長果光法師至教育部參加「宗教研修學院」座談會。
03/03 中央研究院社會學研究所研究員瞿海源教授蒞所演講,講題為:「談宗教社會學的調查與研究」。
03/17 蒙藏委員會藏事處科長徐榮松先生蒞臨本所關懷漢藏佛教文化交流研究班學員之學習及生活情形。
03/23 立法院三讀通過「私立學校教育法第九條修正案」,宗教研修院未來將可授予學位。
04/02 新文豐出版社高氏父子將原藏大陸拓印版的《乾隆大藏經》(1735.1738年)一套,贈予本所圖書館供師生閱覽。
04/20 下午2:00於臺北安和分院召開「印順長老與人間佛教海峽兩岸學術研討會」記者會,相關同仁陪同所長李志夫等參與這一次的記者會。
04/22 創辦人聖嚴師父與澳洲雪梨大學文學院副院長Professor June Sinclair共同簽訂宗教系學術交流備忘錄,同時應系方之邀請,作專題演講,講題為:「禪宗對俱解脫的看法─心解脫者與慧解脫者之關係」。
04/24-25 本所與佛光山文教基金會、慈濟大學宗教與文化研究所、佛教弘誓學院於中央研究院共同舉辦「慶祝印順長老百歲嵩壽──印順長老與人間佛教海峽兩岸學術研討會」,所長李志夫被推為大會主席,與會學者及聆聽者共約七百餘人。
04/26 為慶祝印順長老百歲嵩壽,本所李志夫所長、學術副所長惠敏法師等相關工作人員,前往福嚴佛學院向印順長老祝壽。
05/01 為慶祝印順長老百歲嵩壽,於花蓮慈濟靜思堂會議廳召開的「國際絲路研究計畫座談會」,由本所與佛光山文教基金會、慈濟大學宗教與文化研究所、弘誓文教基金會等共同主協辦。座談會中,上午由本所圖資館館長杜正民介紹「玄奘西域行」網路資料庫(http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/silk/)內容,下午所長李志夫報告「國際絲路研究計畫」並主持綜合座談,杜館長則報告現有絲路研究文獻資料,論題為〈國際數位絲路計畫現況簡介〉。與會學者及聆聽人員約一百五十人。
05/05 所長李志夫、行政副所長果肇法師、執行祕書陳秀蘭與僧伽大學副院長果光法師前往教育部參加「研商宗教研修學院相關事宜政策協調會」。
05/05 漢藏佛教文化交流研究班邀請臺灣西藏交流基金會副祕書長翁仕杰主持專題講座時間,翁副祕書長除播放「幻影人生」供學員觀賞,並與學員討論及交換心得。
05/06 印度宗薩學院大勘布貢噶旺秋仁波切蒞臨本所演講,講題為:「《中論》供讚」。演講後一行人前往參觀圖書館。
05/07-10 圖資館館長杜正民參加於美國柏克萊大學舉辦的Congress of Cultural Atlases: The Human Record會議,會中並展示說明The New Environment for the Buddhist Electronic Text。
06/17 本所申請國科會九十二年度補助專題研究計畫案,計有二件申請案獲得通過:(一)陳英善老師:「天臺四教斷惑之研究(II-II)」。(二)廖本聖老師:「西藏文本《〈大宗義〉詞義釋》的譯注研究(2/2)」。
07/22 本年「世界青年和平高峰會」之貴賓Ms. Dena Merriam係全球宗教女性領袖和平運動創始人,參訪法鼓山佛教教育園區。
07/28 所長李志夫與執行祕書陳秀蘭前往教育部拜訪高教司何副司長,請教有關宗教研修學院相關議題。
08/17 經由美國維吉尼亞大學宗教所教授Prof. Hopkins的引介,Dr. Elizabeth Napper蒞所演講,講題為:「西藏尼師與西藏比丘尼計畫」;由陳淑珍居士擔任翻譯。
08/26 第四屆「漢藏佛教文化交流研究班」甄試,本屆以訓練翻譯人才為目標,共計錄取十二位藏僧,背景涵蓋寧瑪、薩迦、噶舉等教派。
09/01 本所圖書館典藏滿文大藏經及洪武南藏各一部。
09/15 於第六屆第二次的董事會,討論籌設「法鼓佛教研修學院」相關籌備事宜。
09/15 第十三屆畢業校友越建東,取得英國布里斯托大學神學與宗教研究所博士,論文指導教授為Dr. Rupert Gethin(魯柏葛汀)教授,論文名:A Stereotyped Structure of the Path in Early Buddhist Literature: A Comparative Study of the Pali, Sanskrit, and Chinese Sources.(《早期佛教中一個重要道架構之研究─巴利語、梵語和漢語文獻之比對》)
09/16 第八屆畢業校友莊國彬,取得英國布里斯托大學神學與宗教研究所博士,論文指導教授為Dr. Rupert Gethin(魯柏葛汀)教授,論文名:The Path to Liberation According to the Sarvastivadin.(《說一切有部的解脫道》)
09/16 於福嚴精舍召開《臺灣佛學院所教育年鑑》編輯委員會會議,會中決議由南華大學呂凱文教授接辦下一任編輯主委。本所代售保管之金額24,618元,當天也移交給呂教授作為第二期編輯的經費。
10/07 圖書館新採購TBRC(Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center)藏文三藏全文PDF電子資料庫入館,已完成安裝並於圖書館二樓電子藏經區提供使用服務。
10/11 在本所所長李志夫和二位副所長的督導下,並經由黃繹勳老師等人負責彙集各單位相關資料,編訂《法鼓佛教研修學院》計畫書,送請教育部審查。
10/19-22 於中央研究院所舉辦的PNC/ECAI (The Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 2004 Annual Conference) 會議中,本所學術副所長惠敏法師,圖資館館長杜正民及佛學資訊學程老師歐陽彥正教授,發表兩篇論文:1. (PNC) Buddhist Digital Archive and Its Knowledge Structure-Mani Jewels Re.ecting in the Indra Net, 2. (ECAI) Taiwan Buddhist Digital Archive and the Rare Books Cataloging in Dublin Core,及展示並說明CBETA光碟使用方式:The Buddhist Digital Text and the CB·Reader.
10/28 本所學術副所長惠敏法師為佛學資訊學程作專題演講,講題為:「數位典藏國家型科技計畫之成果比較:以中央研究院與臺灣大學機構計畫資料庫為例」。
10/29 本所與新疆塔里木大學締結學術合作交流關係。
11/01 本所圖書館補購館內所缺的PTS(Pali Text Scoiety)書籍共約一百七十七冊。
11/10 美國維吉尼亞大學宗教研究博士,現任教於澳洲國立大學的 Prof. John Powers蒞所演講,講題為:“Hermeneutics According to the Samdhinirmocana Sutra(「詮釋學─以《解深密經》為依據」)。
11/12-19 所長李志夫至廈門參加廈門大學佛學研究中心、中國佛教文化研究所、閩南佛學院、廈門大學哲學系合辦的「佛學研究方法與佛教文化建設研討會」。
11/13 於教育行政大樓一樓演講廳舉辦九十三年度「研究人員專題論文發表會」,計有五位研究人員發表。
1. 黃繹勳:《傳燈玉英集》卷十四補闕和研究─宋士大夫王隨刪節《景德傳燈錄》之探討;
2. 楊郁文:阿含辭典單字詞舉例說明;
3. K.T.S. Sarao(沙洛):Kailash-Manasarovar Pilgrimage: The Indian Route;
4. 陳英善:天臺五停心觀之探討;
5. William Magee, Ph.D.(馬紀):A Controversy Unveiled: How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated as Requiring Interpretation in Candrakīrti’s Madhyamakavatārabhāsya?
11/15 第八屆畢業校友宗玉媺,取得德國漢堡大學中古印度系博士,論文指導教授為Prof. Dr. Lambert Schmithausen,論文題目:Zum Problem der Leerheit(śūnyatā)in der Prajñāpāramitā.(《論〈般若波羅蜜多經〉「空性」的問題》)
11/25-29 圖資館館長杜正民赴日參加「比較佛教文化」學術研討會,會中發表一篇論文,論題為:〈傳統紙型文獻與現代數位文獻的比較─以《大正新脩大藏經》 與 CBETA 電子佛典為例〉。
11/28 蒙藏委員會主辦,本所及中華慧炬佛學會協辦,於公務人力發展中心前瞻廳召開「西藏國際研討會」,主題為:「自由、人權及流亡西藏之民主進程」。
11/30 玄奘大學謝清俊教授為佛學資訊學程作專題演講,講題為:「所知之相」─談對資訊的理解與詮釋。
12/01 圖書館新成立觀音特藏區,特藏觀音文獻與視聽資料,分別展示於二樓及四樓,供眾使用。
12/01-08 圖書館舉辦圖書館週活動,活動內容有:
1. 「觀音特展」:觀音雕塑、書畫、文獻、多媒體視聽資料等。
2. 專題演講:
(1) 國史館協修侯坤宏先生主講、本所所長李志夫主持的〈太虛大師的「現代啟示錄」─對其文教事業的觀察〉。
(2) 名作家梁寒衣女士主講、本所圖資館館長杜正民主持的〈閱讀與人生─談閱讀對自我生命的啟發〉)。
(3) 「社會關懷座談」:佛教觀音線理事、臺北科技大學共同科教授蔡稔惠老師主講,名作家、譯者、身心靈工作坊講師胡因夢女士主講,本所學術副所長惠敏法師主持的「千手千眼話觀音─從生命與社會關懷的角度看心靈修持對輔導工作的重要性」以及電影欣賞等相關活動。
12/08 在國家圖書館舉辦的「數位時代漢學研究資源國際研討會」中,本所圖資館館長杜正民發表一篇論文,論題為:〈佛學研究資源數位化作業標準與規範〉。
12/09 第十二屆畢業校友關則富,取得英國牛津大學東方研究系博士,論文指導教授為Prof. Gombrich Richard,論文名:The Practice of Mindfulness (Sati) in Early Buddhism.(《早期佛教「念」的修習》)
12/18 本所第十屆畢業校友純因法師,取得美國亞歷桑納大學東亞研究所博士,論文指導教授為Prof. Robert M. Gimello(羅勃.詹密羅教授),論文名:Shadows and Echoes of the Mind: Hanshan Deqing's (1546-1623) Syncretic View and Buddhist Interpretation of the Daodejing.(《心之影響─憨山德清(1546-1623)的融合觀與對道德經的佛教詮釋》)


01/05 中國武漢大學歷史系陳國燦教授蒞所演講,講題為:「龜茲石窟藝術之鑑賞」。
01/09 「佛學資訊學程委員會」邀謝清俊教授與楊郁文老師於中央研究院史語所對談。
01/10 青海省果洛藏族自治州民族師範學校然布杰教授蒞所演講,講題為:「多羅那他的《他空心要論》」。
01/13 獲得英國布里斯托大學神學與宗教研究所博士學位的校友越建東,應邀返校演講,講題為:「早期佛教中一個重要道架構和各個相關禪修公式之研究」。
01/14 「佛學資訊學程委員會」邀請興國管理學院電子商務學系黃國展主任蒞所演講,講題為:「從佛學資訊系統看相關技術發展」。
01/31 行政副所長果肇法師協同陳秀蘭執行祕書,共同前往教育部、內政部,就認定本所為宗教性質財團法人乙案請教有關官員。
02/01 CBETA電子佛典系列新版,新增《卍續藏》第54冊-第88冊。
02/21 圖資館新增三項服務:
一、 提供館藏期刊紙本目錄。
二、 提供 Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center(TBRC)藏文三藏全文PDF電子資料庫之紙本目錄一份供讀者使用。
02/21 大陸峨嵋山考察團共十一人蒞所參訪。
02/26 管理學專家鄧東濱教授、楊娜娜顧問、邢智田教授、林政惠顧問及吳如珊主任蒞所參訪。
03/10 北觀處暨加拿大媒體Vancouver Courier一行五人蒞所參訪。
03/14 德國蒙斯特大學(University of Munster),Prof. Dr. Annette Wilke及研究生等十一人蒞所參訪、交流。
03/15 日本京都大學船山徹教授蒞所演講,講題為:「中期印度佛教的認識論及蓮華戒論師對瑜伽行者的直接知覺之詮釋」。
03/18 圖資館杜正民館長參加「2005年宗教圖書館經營管理座談會」,並發表論文,題目為:〈宗教研修機構圖書館設置標準管見─以中華佛學研究所圖書資訊館為例〉。
03/21 李志夫所長、副所長果肇法師、杜正民館長、陳秀蘭執行祕書出席教育部召開之「宗教法人認定協調會議」。
03/26 北京清華大學教授及博士生共十二人蒞所參訪。
04/05 德國文化及藝術團體成員陳東吉、連齊明、Gerfa Acheruauu等人蒞所參訪。
04/08 東海大學宗研所趙星光所長暨師生共十二位蒞所參訪。
04/21 美國天主教大學Charles B. Jones(周文廣)教授蒞所演講,講題為:「袁宏道的《西方合論》與晚明淨土思想發展」。
04/29 「佛學資訊學程委員會」邀請臺大資訊工程研究所歐陽彥正教授蒞所演講,講題為:「佛學與系統科學及系統生物學」。
05/03 日本二松學舍大學佐藤保理事長及駐臺經濟文化代表處楊桂香女士參訪法鼓山,由本所杜正民老師導覽圖資館及介紹網資室專案。
05/16 藏傳格魯派第101任法座Longrig Namgay法王等一行六人參訪法鼓山世界佛教教育園區。
05/27 「佛學資訊學程委員會」邀請國立歷史博物館資訊小組數位典藏專案計畫召集人─梅士杰老師蒞所演講,講題為:「交織現實與虛擬的博物館知識網絡」。
05/30 法國Courau Theiry神父及非洲剛果的Jean Claude Thamba(鮑)神父蒞所參訪。
06/08 校友宗玉媺獲德國漢堡大學印度學系博士學位,應邀返校演講,講題為:「空與累積功德─以語文學為基礎之佛教思想研究」。
06/14 英籍Ven. Tenzin Palmo(丹津葩默比丘尼)及慧炬佛學會鄭振煌老師一行十三人蒞所參訪。丹津葩默比丘尼並應邀演講,講題為:「重建藏傳比丘尼制度的展望」。
06/14 新加坡隆根長老、賢祥及賢明法師蒞所參訪。
06/26-30 二松學舍大學COE研究員會谷佳光蒞所參訪,本所杜正民老師除導覽圖資館外並做專案介紹。會谷研究員並發表一場專題演講,講題為:「『新唐書』芸文志氏類.經錄.關係─唐.釋道宣『大唐內典』.『續高僧傳』」。
06/30 申請國科會九十四年度補助專題研究計畫案兩件獲通過,分別為:一、陳英善老師之「校園禪修教育之研究」。 二、李志夫老師之「佛典數位典藏內容開發之研究與建構─經錄與經文內容標記與知識架構」。
07/11 日本佛教大學新任校長福原隆善與企劃擔當部長館憲雄及松村公榮小姐蒞所參訪。
08/01 愛沙尼亞大學博士生Mrt Lnemets(林西華)於本所參學研究一年,期滿並應邀演講,講題為:「《華嚴經》〈入法界品〉的歷史來源」。
08/12 將認定本所為「具宗教法人資格」一案之申請書陳報教育部。
08/15 聖嚴師父的貴賓地球憲章(Earth Charter)代表Mr. Michael Slaby,青年團主席蒞所參訪。
08/17 弘化院常及法師帶印度「菩提法林尼學院」學生四人蒞所參訪。
09/05-07 日本學者落合俊典教授、衣川賢次教授和青木進先生蒞所參訪,並發表專題演說,三位學者的講題分別為:
09/13 北京大學中文研究所博士生邱冰、姜南蒞本所進行為期四個月參學研究。
09/16 網資室同仁及學程學生十人參加2005佛學數位資源之趨勢與應用研討會,杜老師除於會中發表〈中華佛學研究所數位資源發展現況報告〉外,並展示e-Library成果。
09/20-22 本所杜正民老師、網資室同仁及學程學生參加中研院史語所傅斯年圖書館舉辦之「2005年漢籍數位化合作建置研討會」;杜老師於於會中發表論文,題目為:〈漢籍數位化合作建置的基準──以漢文佛典標記作業為例〉。
09/28 教務研發會議中通過,與二松學舍大學文學研究科佛學研究所建立學術交流合作關係。
10/05 蒙藏委員會藏事處徐榮松科長蒞所關懷本學年漢藏班藏僧。
10/13 洪振洲老師發表專題演講,講題為:「Computer DIY」。
10/14 中國哲學會杜保瑞祕書長暨「2005兩岸宗教與社會學術研討會」大陸學者一行十五人蒞所參訪,並舉辦交流座談。
10/20-22 為慶祝法鼓山落成開山大典,由法鼓山文教基金會與本所共同主辦三場國際座談會議,分別為:世界佛教領袖座談會、世界佛學學術座談會、世界宗教領袖座談會。
10/21 泰國朱拉隆功佛教大學校長及隨行人員蒞所參訪。
10/21 新加坡光明山參訪團一行二十人蒞所參訪。
10/21 與新疆龜茲石窟研究所締結學術合作交流協議。
10/24 參與圓山佛學學術會議的美國宗教研習學會會長Dr. J. Gordon Melton、美國學者Gail M. Harley, Ph. D.、兩位藏傳女眾法師及隨行人員共七人蒞所參訪。
10/30 舉辦本所懇親大會,同時表揚資深教職員及感恩義工菩薩。
11/08 色拉寺新任住持洛桑班登和隨行人員共十一人蒞所參訪。
11/13 果元法師偕同演藝人員狄龍等三人蒞所參訪。
11/14-25 英國牛津大學Richard Gombrich教授蒞所作六場專題講座,講題分別為:
1. 「我們能了解佛陀到什麼程度?資料和方法」
2. 「從歷史背景看佛教的業與輪迴」
3. 「佛陀的形上學作為對婆羅門教的回應─對人的分析以及緣起」
6. 「佛教的整體性與多樣性─大乘如此不同嗎?」
11/24 洪振洲老師蒞所演講,講題為:「網際網路運作原理的簡介」。
11/26 舉辦第十屆中華佛學研究所專任研究人員專題論文發表會,發表人為廖本聖老師、蔡伯郎老師、釋見弘法師與杜正民老師。
11/26 第八屆畢業校友曾德明,於德國波昂大學中亞語言文化研究所取得博士學位。指導教授為Dieter Schuh,博士論文之題目為Sino-tibetische Divinationskalkulationen (Nag-rtsis) dargestellt anhand des Werkes dPag-bsam ljon-shing von Blo-bzang tshul-khrims rgya-mtsho。
11/26 第九屆畢業校友林純瑜,於德國波昂大學中亞語言文化研究所取得博士學位。指導教授為Dieter Schuh,博士論文之題目為Mi pham's Systematisierung von g To-Ritualen。
11/29 周海文老師蒞所演講,講題為:如何設計實用的Access資料庫及簡介 SQL語法。
11/30 漢藏班邀請臺灣西藏交流基金會翁仕杰副祕書長舉行專題講座,講題為:「佛教與社會變遷」。
12/07 北京大學中國語言文學系朱慶之教授蒞所演講,講題為:「佛教混合漢語及其研究」。


01-12 執行法鼓全集光碟版計畫,作業含以下四項:一、修訂70冊的內文錯誤;二、完成100冊XML檔案;三、網路測試版製作;四、出版100冊光碟版。
01-12 持續協辦 CBETA(中華電子佛典協會)進行電子佛典製作,2006年2月發行光碟,包含《大正藏》56冊、《卍續藏》3冊,共91冊。收錄字數已突破 一億字。年底完成《卍續藏》全部輸校作業,預定2007年初發行新版光碟。
01/04 澳洲威爾斯省Santi Forest Monastery 的阿姜蘇嘉多禪師一行人共6位參訪本所圖資館,並與楊郁文老師對談。
01/10 聖彼得堡大學哲學系東方文化與哲學部索羅寧教授(Prof. Solonin Kirill Jurievitch)蒞所演講,講題:「西夏禪宗的特色」。
01/11 德國圓覺寺越南籍如典法師一行人共5位參訪本所圖資館。
01/13 本所圖資館主辦一場小型演講,由郭祐孟老師主講「河西石窟圖像所反映的思想內涵與實踐特色」。
02/03 日籍藤田健志教授及校友陳宇之老師一行共3位參訪本所圖資館。
02/18 CBETA成果發表會及與各佛學院所進行《大正藏》新式標點簽約儀式。
02/19 贊助CBETA的新加坡貴賓吳一賢、賴傑勇、王榮一行共5位參訪本所圖資館。
03/04-06 舉辦第五屆中華國際佛學會議,英文論文含主題演說共14篇、中文論文11篇,總計有25篇。三天與會人次約900人。與本所締約學校之澳洲雪梨大學宗教學系,贊助會議經費澳幣2000元。
03/06 「數位典藏內容發展分項計畫─漢籍全文主題小組」於中研院舉辦「數位寶典─宗教文獻數位化工作經驗交流會」,會中邀請日本京都大學人文科學研究所Dr. Monica Esposito、Dr. Christian Wittern (維習安副教授)、杜正民館長及國內研究漢籍經典相關學者專家,共同針對宗教文獻數位化進行經驗交流。
03/22 正式向教育部呈報法鼓佛教研修學院籌設案。
03/24 立正佼成會國際佛教教會說法師(The Reverend Gene Reeves, Ph.D.)哲學博士參訪本所圖資館。
04-12 法鼓佛教研修學院籌備處,成立校園e化推動小組,進行校務行政資訊系統委外採購專案。
04/06 申請國科會95年度補助專題研究計畫案二件,獲得通過: 一、李志夫老師的「佛典數位典藏內容開發之研究與建構-經錄與經文內容標記與知識架構」;二、杜正民老師的「數位典藏多媒體檔案之研究與建置—西藏珍藏語音檔案研究計畫」。
04/12-18 本所李志夫所長應中國佛教協會邀請,至大陸參加「世界佛教論壇」並發表文章,題目為:「論本大會應提議成立『國際佛教和平友好促進會』之類似組織」。
04/12 蒙藏委員會藏事處徐榮松科長蒞所關懷漢藏佛教文化交流研究班學員的學習及生活情形。
04/14 美籍同淨蘭若的菩提比丘蒞臨法鼓山世界佛教教育園區參訪,並於海會廳演講,講演題目為:「初期佛典的導論(Mapping One's Way Through Early Buddhist Sutras)」。
04/27 西藏流亡政府(Central Tibetan Administration of H. H. the Dalai Lama)及達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會(Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama)索朗多吉(Sonam Dorjee)秘書長等一行人蒞所訪問,並瞭解漢藏班學員修學概況。
05/10 索羅寧教授(Prof. Solonin Kirll Jurievitch)教授一行人參訪本所圖資館。
05/12 有關「法鼓佛教研修學院籌設案」,教育部暨相關單位至法鼓山實地會勘。
05/13 專案計畫「佛典數位典藏內容開發之研究與建構─經錄與經文之內容標記與知識架構」,參與「數位典藏國家型科技計畫內容發展分項計畫」於臺北誠品信義旗艦店舉行的「數位島嶼 風華再現-數位典藏94年度內容開發公開徵選計畫成果展」年終評鑑會議。本計畫進行5分鐘網頁報告及成果展示。
05/25 參加「印順導師思想之理論與實踐學術會議」之大陸與會學者暨玄奘大學、弘誓學院、關懷生命協會等單位代表一行20位由昭慧法師率團蒞臨法鼓山世界佛教教育園區參訪。
06/01 創辦人聖嚴法師邀請李志夫所長、副所長惠敏法師、果肇法師及法鼓人文獎助基金會曾濟群校長假聖嚴教育基金會討論「強化漢傳佛教教育專案」。
06/20 李志夫所長、副所長惠敏法師、果肇法師、陳秀蘭執行祕書與陳洽由總工程師出席教育部召開的「九十五年度大學校設立審議委員會」。
07/06 申請國科會95年度補助專題研究計畫案一件,獲得通過的有蔡伯郎老師的「長尾雅人的《中觀與唯識》兩年期譯注計畫」。
07/13 呈送蒙藏委員會與台灣西藏交流基金會(Taiwan Tibet Exchange Foundation)94學年度漢藏班學員成果報告。
07/25 天津佛教協會李莉娟居士一行人共6位參訪本所圖資館。
07/28 美國佛羅里達州立大學Dr. Mario Poceski蒞所演講,講題為:「重新省思洪州宗的特色與其於禪宗歷史發展中的角色(Reassessing the Hongzhou School's Basic Character and its Role in the Historical Evolution of Chan Buddhism)」。
08/11 教育部來函同意法鼓佛教研修學院籌設。
08/14-19 惠敏法師、杜正民老師、法源法師、李家名參加於韓國首爾舉辦的PNC會議,並發表「高僧傳地理資訊專案」。另惠敏法師、杜正民老師參加EBTI會議,會中決議下一屆EBTI會議於台北與CBETA十週年國際會議一起舉辦。
08/16 泰國國際法身寺住持和尚Ven. Dattajeevo Bhikkhu及研所畢業校友祥智法師、祥代法師(9位比丘、3位優婆塞、5位優婆夷)一行人共17位來所參訪。
08/23 教育部來函通知本所所報法鼓佛教研修學院第一屆董事聘任案,同意核備。
08/26 於安和分院舉辦「強化漢傳佛教研究」座談會。
08/27 教育部政務次長呂木琳先生伉儷參訪法鼓山世界佛教教育園區。
08/28 薩迦派崔欽法王子大寶金剛仁波切暨張昌邦居士伉儷等一行包括喇嘛及隨行人員共14位至法鼓山世界佛教教育園區參訪。
09/05 美國洛克斐勒家族的亞洲文化基金會執行長Mr. Ralph Samuelson與北藝大戲劇學院鍾明德院長等一行四人參訪本所。
09/08 假聖嚴教育基金會召開法鼓佛教研修學院第一屆第一次董事會。
09/19-25 李志夫所長、副所長惠敏法師共同出席由四川大慈寺所主辦第三屆玄奘會議。
09/28 印度德里大學佛研所系主任Bhikshu Satyapal比丘暨8位研究生參訪本所。
10/02 錫蘭培羅迪釀(Peradinya)大學博士無著法師蒞所演講,講題為:「中阿含比較研究(The Comparative notes of Maddhyama Agama)」。
10/17 越南佛教大學副校長智超法師以及教務長興德法師一行5位法師參訪本所。
10/23 應經錄專案的邀請,周海文老師蒞所演講。講題:「資料庫應用系列之一─經錄資料庫的建立與經錄網站介紹」。
10/25 美國Stanford University 的 Prof. James Robson蒞所作專題演講,講題為:「南嶽─中世紀中國之佛教、道教與民間宗教史(The Southern Sacred Peak [Nanyue 南嶽]: Buddhism, Daoism and Local Religious History in Medieval China)」。
10/31 中國文化大學哲學研究所李明芳博士蒞所演講,講題為:「CBETA佛典集成新式標點實務說明」。
11/08 應經錄專案的邀請,法賢法師蒞所演講。講題:「介紹《至元法寶勘同總錄》之特色」。
11/22 日本東京大學人文社會系研究科博士廖肇亨教授蒞所演講,講題:「乘法身船,至涅槃岸:從明末江南的臨濟宗到日本的黃檗宗」。

舉辦圖館週慶祝活動,配合法鼓佛教研修學院即將成立,活動主題為「慧燈重燃─從那爛陀到法鼓佛教研修學院 (Yesterday Once More:from Nalanda to DDBC)」,活動內容有電影欣賞及數位成果展、「那爛陀今昔教育文獻特展」、「法鼓佛教研修學院人事室簡淑華主任國畫個展」及「圖資館遷館五週年成果展」,校友劉珮琪學長並分享至喇榮五明佛學院參學的心得。
12/02 應經錄專案的邀請,周海文老師蒞所演講:講題一、「資料庫應用系列之二─MS Access 操作使用—以經錄資料庫為範例」;二、「資料庫應用系列之三─經錄資料庫建製實務—困難分析與解決之道」。
12/26 召開所務會議,並舉行新舊任所長交接。

02/02-08 由行政院國家科學委員會、中央研究院歷史與語言研究所主辦的「2007亞洲佛教藝術研習營」,本所為協辦單位。活動於法鼓山世界教育園區國際會議廳舉行,來自日本、韓國、中國大陸與台灣的專家學者,齊聚探討佛教藝術的新未來。
02/16 中華佛學研究所依據「私立學校法」第九條修正︰允許設立單一宗教的「宗教研修學院」法源,向教育部積極申請籌設的「法鼓佛教研修學院」,終於獲得成立。
02/27 「創辦人時間」,聖嚴師父對學生開示期勉。
03/14 舉辦校外教學,參觀故宮博物院「慈悲與智慧─佛教文物特展」、「北宋書畫、汝窯、宋版圖書特展」及「大英博物館收藏展」。
04/08 法鼓佛教研修學院正式揭牌成立,並開始招收大專畢業生。研修學院的成立,可謂是佛學研究所二十餘年辦學成果的展現。
04/08 中華佛學研究所在法鼓佛教研修學院成立後,將不再招收新生入學;而專以研究、出版為重,並以培育漢傳佛教研究人員為主。
05/02 「學術副所長時間」學術副所長惠敏法師對學生指導學業方面的問題。
07/01 中華佛研所舉辦「第四屆法鼓山漢藏佛教文化交流翻譯研究班」成果感恩發表會,聖嚴師父出席致辭,期勉漢藏班培訓出來的翻譯人才,能以「漢藏經典雙向翻譯」做為努力的目標,本屆畢業生共有14位喇嘛。
07/07 舉辦暑期佛學營,主題為「學佛一日禪」,除引導學員體驗禪修,並邀請法鼓山禪堂板首果元法師主講「中華禪法鼓宗」,共有二百多人參加。
09/01 本所承辦多年的佛學教育推廣中心課程,除今年第一期的13項課程外,第二期起轉由法鼓研修學院辦理。
10 本所並與比利時根特大學(University of Ghent)洽談締約計畫,開啟雙方學術合作交流契機。
12/26 本所舉行「卸新任所長交接典禮」,由法鼓山方丈和尚果東法師擔任監交人,原法鼓山僧伽大學副院長果鏡法師從中華佛研所代理所長果肇法師手中接下所長一職,成為中華佛研所自1985年成立以來的第五位所長。這項交接,具有承先啟後的意義,期使佛研所成為國際佛學研究重鎮,為漢傳佛教開創新局。

01/13-20 舉辦96學年度第二學期第一次禪七。
02/15-20 和佛教學院等相關單位為慶祝「電子佛典推進協議會」15週年暨「中華電子佛典協會」10週年共同舉辦「數位佛學研究國際會議」。
02/19 舉辦本學期創辦人時間,由聖嚴師父開示『四種環保的法鼓校風』。
03/09 舉行「第一次漢傳佛教專案會議」,與會者有中興大學教授群、法鼓文化、聖嚴教育基金會等相關人士。
04/08 佛研所師生及專職支援「法鼓佛教研修學院」校慶典禮相關活動。
05 完成「漢傳佛學論叢」徵稿啟事之擬定,並公告於佛研所網站。
05/07 舉辦研究生佛學論文發表會,本次有2位研究生洞鈜法師及宏育法師發表論文。
05/14 所長果鏡法師邀約佛研所15 位在校研究生茶敘會談。
05/22 印度台北協會辦事處代表史泰朗先生伉儷暨千金蒞臨教育園區參訪,特別參觀佛學研究所與佛教學院及僧大等教育單位。
05/24-25 參與協辦第二屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會(聖嚴思想與漢傳佛教);研討會後,陸續有Ms. Esther-Maria Guggenmos(古瑪莉)、Dr. Jason Clower(柯文杰)、Dr. Miriam Levering(羅梅如)、Mary E. Donovan(杜海音)等四位學者前來佛研所拜會所長。
05/28 美國印第安那大學宗教學系博士班研究生Erik Hammerstrom(韓光)來訪。
05/31 美國哥倫比亞大學博士班研究生王宣曆、許玉青及Stephanie Lin等三位來拜訪所長,談論有關漢傳佛教的思想。
06/01 邀請香港科技大學(華嚴美術專家)古正美教授為僧團及僧大演講。
06/02 宇宙學家吳忠超教授應法鼓佛教學院研修中心的邀請,擔任本學期的大師講座,演講題目是「宇宙學家的宗教情懷」。吳忠超教授伉儷並蒞臨研修中心及佛研所辦公室拜訪所長。
06/11 國立台北藝術大學戲劇學院院長鍾明德教授來訪。
06/23-29 佛研所研究人員組團至美國喬治亞州Emory大學,參加2008年第十五屆IABS佛學研究國際會議,以「漢傳佛教禪修相關研究」為場次主題,發表五篇論文。發表人分別是:惠敏法師、郭瑞老師(Eric Goodell)、黃繹勳老師、王慧昕老師、John McRae(馬克瑞教授)。
06/26 美國哥倫比亞大學行政人員Jessie Kelly(康婕茜)前來佛研所為「漢傳佛教專書出版基金」簽約。
06/28 馬來西亞青年佛學會會長繼程法師來訪。
06/30 「中華佛學學報」21期(以英文發行的第一期)完稿出版。
09/08-09 日本立正大學佛教學部師生同仁50餘人,由三友教授帶領前來法鼓山教育園區參觀,並舉辦座談交流。
10/07 南印色拉寺前住持洛桑屯越仁波切蒞臨法鼓山教育園區,會晤佛學研究所所長果鏡法師與李志夫榮譽所長。
10/17-24 中國大陸江西佛學院副院長兼教務長、江西寶峰禪寺代理住持衍真法師,受本所之邀,蒞臨法鼓世界佛教教育園區,做為期十天的參訪,旁聽校所碩士班課程。
10/20 輔仁大學博物館學副教授兼所長劉婉珍博士陪同美國德州理工大學博物館館長 Professor Gary Edson,來所拜訪果鏡法師。
12/12-16 印度德里大學教授Dr. Anita Sharma伉儷,以及沙洛教授(Dr. K. T. S. Sarao)來訪。

01/19 第25屆研究生釋宏育通過畢業生論文口試,題目:湛然《法華五百問論》思想之研究,指導老師為陳英善老師。
02/03 創辦人 聖嚴師父捨報,本月期間,連繫研究生與校友參加 聖嚴師父圓寂相關法會活動。同時支援「圓滿專案」海內外學者聯絡與弔唁資料彙整。
02/16 大陸中國佛教協會副會長學誠大和尚、秘書賢杰法師以及中國佛教協會會刊-法音雜誌主編,盧潯主任等一行三人前來校所參訪。
02/27 輔仁大學三位外籍神父鮑霖、杜敬一、林克錄專程前來生命園區向 聖嚴師父致敬,由佛學研究所學報主編馬紀老師(Dr. William Magee)陪同前往與協助園區參觀。
02/28 所長果鏡法師赴大陸無錫,參加第二屆世界佛教論壇開幕式。
03/31 所長果鏡法師於第二屆世界佛教論壇台灣場分論壇發表「從心靈環保到心六倫─聖嚴法師『心的運動』在臺灣的實踐」一文。
04 捐贈美國哥倫比亞大學設立「漢傳佛教學術出版永久基金」專案,匯款工作於四月底處理完畢。
04/03 本所由國科會補助的「絲路中印文化交流研究」專案,計畫主持人為李志夫教授,已於97/07/31結案。但本專案後續研究工作,自98年起獲得「財團法人台北市艋舺龍山寺」提撥贊助金額壹佰萬元整支持,分上下半年各支付伍拾萬元整。第一筆贊助金額伍拾萬元整已於四月三日由龍山寺董事長黃欽山先生親交李志夫教授。
05/22-23 高雄元亨寺會靖法師(關世謙老師),參訪佛研所,拜會李志夫榮譽所長暨惠敏法師等人。之後一行四人前往生命園區向創辦人 聖嚴師父瞻禮致意。
05 中華佛學研究所論叢(51)「楊郁文─其佛法之理解與實踐」出版,作者為佛研所畢業生黃侃如同學。
06/13 佛學研究所三十年暨佛教學院三週年之回顧成果展「30+3」活動,於下午一點三十分舉辦「啟展茶會」,約有200多位歷年師長、護持法師、居士與校友蒞臨參與。展期自6/13至8/31止,在法鼓山第三大樓的二樓與五樓展出。
06 「漢傳佛教論叢」專案,自對外發出徵稿訊息至今年6月止,計有12位學者提出申請計畫。目前進行審核作業中。
08/26 華梵大學佛教研修學院院長熊琬教授一行五位學者,於上午10時許,參觀佛學研究所三十年成果展,並會晤所長果鏡法師。下午瞻禮祈願觀音與法華鐘後離去。
09/12 法鼓山大學院於本日舉行98學年度畢結業聯合典禮,本所第25屆研究生修業完畢。
11/21 配合2009年法鼓山水陸法會的啟動,特于本日舉辦「水陸法會論壇」。本年論壇是由法鼓山僧團與中華佛研所主辦,法鼓佛教學院、聖嚴教育基金會與法鼓大學籌備處共同承辦。21日當天有近四百位與會者參加此嘗試將學術研究與傳統法會結合的勝會。
12/24 早期護法菩薩熊清良醫師陪同大陸護持佛教甚力的中央財經大學社會學系系主任包勝勇教授,前來教育大樓拜訪所長果鏡法師等,雙方就兩岸佛學與活動交流等議題作深入討論。之後並安排本所校友藍世任菩薩為包教授及熊醫師作園區導覽。

時  間 摘  要
2002/09/03 沈智慧立委邀約教育部.內政部.各宗教及學界代表召開宗教教義研修學院公聽會。
2002/10/09 李志夫所長邀約各佛學院集體動員陳情爭取宗教教育納入正規學制之訴求重點。
2002/11/19 李所長為促請立法院修正私立學校法第九條,請求各黨團立委連署支持,盼各佛學院所積極發動有力人士向熟稔立委遊說。
2002/11/21 宗教研修院所代表拜會立法院,期望修正私校法第九條,將宗教教育納入正規學制。
2002/12/06 宗教研修學院促進會由陳吉松先生擔任會長。
2002/12/08 「台灣佛教教育年鑑創刊號」發表會中,藉媒體新聞提出2點訴求:
1. 展現台灣佛教教育成果及提昇佛教教育
2. 藉發表會檢驗台灣佛教教育體質及促請政府正視佛教教育
2002/12/12 立法院法律提案:私立學校法第九條修正案。
2003/03/07 聖嚴法師致立法院教育委員書信,期望能於會期內將私立學校法第九條修正案列為優先議程。
2003/06/23 佛研所致函立法院各黨團,惠請接見宗教研修學院促進會各宗教教育團體代表。
2003/11/11 黨團協商:私立學校法第九條條文修正草案
2004/01/05 宗教研修學院促進會致函立法院各黨團,請儘速協商「私校法第九條修正案」。
2004/01/06 李所長致李慶安立委書信,請求在協調會中勿杯葛私校第九修條文修正案。
2004/01/08 宗教研修學院促進會由會長陳吉松帶領共53人拜訪請願「私校法第九條修正案」
2004/01/19 李所長致陳吉松院長書信,表達二讀建議之意見交流
2004/02/04 宗教研修學院促進會之強烈呼籲,建議二讀修正條文中加入「宗教研修學院得要求其教職員生符合該宗教團體之道德與信仰規範」,宗教研修學院之設立細則由教育部按宗教研修學院之特性及規模另訂之。
2004/02/27 教育部召開宗教研修學院座談會,討論私立學校法第九條修正條文案。
2004/03/01 李所長致陳吉松院長書信,說明林岱樺立委要求在自行協調出設校基金及校地再開公聽會之意見交流。
2004/03/05 聖嚴法師致立法院程序委員會各委員書信,期望儘早安排私校法修正條文案逕付二讀。
2004/03/10 呂學樟立委致聖嚴師父箋,說明已完成協商,待程序委員會排入院會二讀程序。
2004/03/25 聖嚴法師致立法委員書信,感謝各委員支持宗教研修法三讀。
2004/04/20 趙永清立委國會辦室召開「如何解決宗教研修學院申請困境協調會
2004/05/05 教育部召開「研商宗教研修學院相關事宜政策協調會」
2004/05/19 教育部來函說明,為因應私校法第九條修正條文之通過,請界定「宗教法人」之性質。
2004/06/18 內政部召開「研商私立學校法第九條宗教法人之認定事宜」會議

2004/07/01 佛研所致內政部函,請准予核定本所為宗教性質之財團法人。


2005/08/08 輔大神學院院長艾立勤神父來信,輔大神學院立場:除非宗教研修學院得要求其教職員生符合該宗教團體之信仰、靈修、倫理與道德規範,否則天主教之研修學院並未計畫向教育部申請經其認可之學位。
2005/08/09 教育部召開「宗教研修學院設立初步構想」座談會

Historical Hightlights

Sept. The China Academy established The Institute of Buddhist Studies and appointed Mr. Chow Pang-tao as its director.

Oct. 12 Mr. Chang Chi-yun, founder of the Institute of Buddhist Studies of China Academy, appointed Ven. Sheng Yen as the director of the Institute.

Aug. 3 The Institute began enrolling the first session of graduate students.

Aug. 13 New graduate students Ven. Huimin, Yeh Teh-sheng, Wu Wen-bin, Chou Chih, Chen Hsiu-lan, Lin Meng-yin, Chen Hsi-ru and Ku Tien-yin admitted to the Institute.

Aug. Ven. Sheng Yen founded “Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies” at Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Culture in Beitou, Taipei, to continue the recruitment of students.

July 1 The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies was accredited by the Ministry of Education, thus became the first accredited institute of Buddhist higher education and research. Hwa- Kang Buddhist Journal was renamed “Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal.”

July 24 The Institute held its first Buddhist Summer Camp for university and college students.

April The Institute purchased a 30-hectare of land in Jinshan, Taipei County. The land was christened “Dharma Drum Mountain.”

Jan.12-15 The Institute held the first Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism at the National Central Library, Taipei. The Theme of the conference was “Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society.” More than 100 Buddhist specialists and scholars from over 20 countries presented 42 papers at the conference.

Jan. 1 The Ministry of Education granted approval for Prof. Fang Ning-shu to act as deputy director of the Institute.
July 18-21 The Second Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism was convened at the Grand Hotel, Taipei. The theme of the conference was “Traditional Precepts and the Modern World.” More than 100 Buddhist scholars from over 10 countries presented 26 papers at the conference.

July 23-25 The International Conference on Buddhism and Chinese Culture, sponsored by the National Culture Association, and organized by the Institute, was held at the National Central Library with 46 papers presented in Chinese, English, and Japanese.
Aug.1 Ven. Huimin, second session student of the Institute was appointed the vice director.

Aug. 25-27

The Institute held the sixth United Presentation of Buddhist papers by graduate students and 31 papers were presented.

July 1 Prof. Fang Ning-shu retired from his position as the director of the Institute and became the standing director of the board, handing this post to Prof. Lee Chih-fu.

March In addition to the existing Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, the Institute released the Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies publishing the papers of young scholars.
July 19-21 The Institute held the Third Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism the theme of “Earthly Pure Land and Contemporary Society” at the National Central Library with 46 papers presented.

Oct. 1
Prof. Lee Chih-fu resigned as director of the Preparatory Office of Dharma Drum University. Prof. Tseng Chi-chun, the former curator of National Central Library, was appointed as the first president of the university.

Feb. 15 The Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association was formally founded.
June The Ministry of Education approved “The Plan for the Establishment of the Dharma Drum College of Humanities and Social Science.”
July 7-9 With the financial support of the Chinese Development Fund, the Institute hosted “The Symposium and Exposition on Liaison” in National Taiwan Normal University, with over 20 Buddhist colleges and Institutes in Taiwan and China participated.


Jan. 12-21
The Institute organized a joint meeting sponsored by Ministry of Education and Academia Sinica, on the topics “Electronic Buddhist Texts Initiative,” “Electronic Cultural Atlas,”“Scholars Electronic Resources”, and “Pacific Neighborhood.”
Oct. 16 “The Dharma Drum Symposium on the Pure Land,” sponsored by the Institute with the support of various departments of the Dharma Drum organization was held at the Hua-qiao Center in Beitou.
Oct. 29 Ven. Master Sheng Yen, and the President of Taiwan National University, Chen Wei-Zhao, signed an agreement for the “Digital Buddhist Library and Museum.”

May 6 The Opening ceremony for the “Digital Buddhist Library and Museum” office at National Taiwan University co-sponsored by the Institute and the University took place. It was co-chaired by Dr. Chen Wei-chao, President of the University and Dr. Tseng Chi-chun, President of the University of Dharma Drum. Prof. Lee Chih-fu, Director of the Institute, delivered a speech of thanks.
May 8 The Institute won the Outstanding Group Prize in the liberal arts category of “The Third Outstanding Group Engaging in Cross-strait Cultural Interchange,” sponsored by the Mainland Affairs Commission of the Executive Yuan.
Sept. 4 The Institute held the School Year 2000 opening and commencement ceremonies and the Eleventh Buddhist Paper Award Conferring Ceremony. Eleven new students were enrolled, and three students’ theses passed oral test.

Jan. Mr. Aming Tu and Dr. Christian Wittern established a series of “Symposiums on the Management of Buddhist Texts and Information,” met with relevant specialists at various institutions, including Taiwan National University and Xiangguang Monastery.
Jan. 01-
Dec. 31
Ven. Huimin, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Mr. Aming Tu carried out a project sponsored by the National Science Council: “The Study and Organization of Documents, Images, Geographical and Historical Records (II).”
Jan. 15-20 Dr. Christian Wittern and Mr. Aming Tu participated in the 2001 PNC Annual Conference & Joint Meeting held at City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wittern promoted the TEI Workshop, while Mr. Aming Tu presented a paper entitled “The Application of Markup Language-A Case Study of CBETA Tripitaka and TEI.” Prof. Wittern and Mr. Tu also presented and explained the contents and functions of CBETA.
March 03 Former President of Taisho University, Dr. Watanabe Hoyo, together with twenty members of the Japanese Friendship Association and Kuang Minh Temple Delegation, visited the Institute.
March 07 President and Vice President of St. Petersburg University visited the Institute.
March 20 The second meeting of the “Graduate Studies Exchange in Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Culture” proposed that the name be changed to the “Chinese-Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Exchange Program” and agreed on details for recruiting students. The purpose of this group is stated to be: The promotion of cultural exchange between Chinese and Tibetan Buddhists to facilitate increased diversity in the development of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism.
March 20 Because Consultant for Internet information, Dr. Christian Wittern left for a new position at Kyoto University in April, the Institute invited him to deliver a lecture entitled “Computer, Buddhist Canon, and Methodology: The Past and Future of Buddhist Electronic Texts. Reflections on My Three Years’ Soujourn at the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies.”
March 28 Dr. Mitomo Kenyo, Director of the Department of Buddhist Studies of Rissho University, Japan, visited the Institute on the occasion of the publication of the Japanese edition of An Anthology of East Asian Buddhism: A Commemorative Volume in Honor of Ven. Sheng Yen on His 70th Birthday, at the same time presented 500 copies of the book to the Institute.
April 06 Eight members of the committee on religious education for the Department of Education, including the Ven. Heng-ching, Li Fengmao, Lin Duan, Lin Benxuan, Cai Yanren, Lin Hongxin, Gu Zhonghua and Xu Huiwen visited the Institute and met with students and teachers and to discuss the possibility of establishing an academy of religious studies.
April 20 Mr. Aming Tu participated in the “Symposium on the Establishment of a Cooperative Database of Catalogs of Ancient Texts” sponsored by the National Library, and presented a paper for the panel on “Regulations for the Titles of Ancient Texts” entitled “Procedures and Regulations for the Digitalization of Chinese Buddhist Catalogs.”
April 21 Dr. David Leonard, Dean of International and Area Studies, Dr. Lewis Lancaster of the University of California at Berkeley, together with Ven. Huimin and Mr. Aming Tu, discussed a cooperative project between CBETA and CDL (the California Digital Library).
April 24 Ven. Huimin, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Mr. Aming Tu introduced uses of The World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road in the “Seminar for training in uses of the digital museum for teachers of primary and middle schools.”
May 17 Ven. Guangbo and three other representatives from the Sakyamuni Buddhist Studies Institute of Australia visited the Institute.
May 25-26 Ven. Huimin, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Mr. Aming Tu, Head of the Buddhist Studies Information Network Center of the Institute, visited Korea to participate in the 2001 EBTI International Conference & Commemorating the 95th Anniversary of Dongguk University. They delivered papers entitled: “A Study on Creation and Application of Electronic Chinese Buddhist Texts: With the Yog.c.rabh.mi as a Case Study” and “CBETA Taisho Electronic Tripitaka 2001.”
June 05 After fifteen years of teaching at the Institute, Biswadeb Mukherjee will retire in July. His final lecture as a professor at the Institute is entitled: “Gotama Becomes the Buddha: Analysis of the Nikāya tradition.”
June 05 Publication of the CD-ROM edition of The Collection of Prof. Mukherjee’s Articles in Honor of His Visit to Taiwan.
June 06 Father Huang Kebiao, Visited the Institute research fellow of the Ricci Institute for the History of Chinese-Western Cultural Exchange at the University of California at San Francisco along with two professors from Furen University.
June 13-20 Mr. Aming Tu attended “The Joint Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing” at New York University and delivered a paper entitled “The Adaption and Breakthrough of Chinese Documents Encoding: A Case Study of CBETA Digital Tripitaka and TEI” and gave a demonstration. On June 18-20, Mr. Aming Tu reported on the progress and financial status of CBETA to the North America Yinshun Foundation.
June 14 Sixth meeting on the move to DDM. Name of the Institute’s library is changed to Library and Communications Center. Books from the first vault of the library will be moved to their new, temporary location at DDM in November.
June 20 Recipients of the Reward for Scholarship of the National Science Council in the year 2000 included: Director of the Institute, Prof. Lee Chih-fu for his book A Research on Mah.y.na .amatha and Vipa.yan., and Yang Yu-wen for his book Interdependent Arising, Ego, Non-Ego, and Emptines: A Perspective from Earthly Buddhism.
July 01,

June 30,
Ven. Huimin, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Mr. Aming Tu, Head of the Buddhist Studies Information Network Center of the Institute, and Prof. Yang Huei-nan of the Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University carried out a research project sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. The project was entitled “Taiwanese Buddhist Digital Database.”
July 21 Associate Prof. Christian Wittern of Kyoto University delivered a lecture entitled “Topic Maps.”
July 25 Prof. Jeffrey Hopkins of the University of Virginia, U.S.A., visited the Institute and delivered a lecture entitled “Death and the Deeper Levels of Mind,” in addition to which he discussed cooperation between his department and the Institute.
Aug. 01,

July 31
Ven. Huimin, Deputy Director of the Institute, carried out a project sponsored by the National Science Council entitled “A Study on Creation and Application of Electronic Chinese Buddhist Texts.” Dr. Christian Wittern and Mr. Aming Tu acted as joint chairmen of the project, with Ray Chou as software consultant and Guo Lijuan as full-time assistant.
Aug. 08 Assistant Prof. Charles B. Jones accepted an invitation to speak at the Institute on the topic “Comparing Western and Buddhist Perspectives on Religious Diversity.”

Aug. 24-
Sept. 02

Ven. Huimin, Deputy Director of the Institute, and Mr. Aming Tu, Head of the Buddhist Studies Information Network Center of the Institute, traveled to Xinjiang to collect information, interview specialists and discuss copyright issues for the project “The World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road” sponsored by the National Science Council.
Sept. Ven. Huimin and Mr. Aming Tu attended a symposium on databases in the Chinese humanities held in Hong Kong.
Sept. 11
The Institute, together with DDM Sangha University and the Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission conducts the “Chinese-Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Exchange Program.” Registration took place September 11, with formal instruction beginning September 17.
Sept. 14 Mr. Aming Tu delivered a report on “The Digital Library Project: The World of Xuanzang the the Silk Road,” sponsored by the National Science Council of the Government of Taiwan.
Sept. 17 The “Chinese-Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Exchange Program” officially began. Nine Tibetan monks participate in this year’s seminar, including monks from the Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyu and Gelug traditions. In addition to instruction in Chinese, classes also included instruction in the history of Chinese Buddhism, introduction to various schools, translation of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist terms, and computer science.
Sept. 30 Joint ceremony conducted at DDM on the occasion of the “Opening of Dharma Drum Mountain, Opening and Commencement of Classes at Sangha University, Graduation for the Academic Year of 2001 at the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Commencement of Classes for the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Exchange Program, and Twelfth Conferral of Certificates in Buddhist Studies.”
Oct. 02 Director of the Fuyan Buddhist Institute, Ven. Hou-guan visitsed DDM together with members of the faculty and students.
Oct. 06 Head of the Association for the Support of the Monastic Community in the Republic of China. Ven. Chuan Hsiao together with eight members of the Association visited the Institute and presented scholarships.
Oct. 14 Mr. Aming Tu participated in the “First Conference on the Development of Buddhism in Contemporary Taiwan,” and gave a paper entitled “The Development of Buddhist Web-sites.”
Oct. 17 Mr. Aming Tu accepted position as Chief Librarian.

Nov. 09-16
The Institute together with the Commission for Cross-strait Relations held “A Conference on Current Cross-strait Buddhist Research and Development Trends,” attended by eight scholars from Mainland China and including fifteen papers.

Dec. 2001-
Jan. 2002
Publication of the CD-ROM edition of the “The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies Series” and the “Bibliotheca Sacra Birmanica.”

Jan.18-20 CHIBS sponsored the 4th Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism at Academia Sinica with about 200 participants attended. A total of 37 papers (19 in English, 16 in Chinese and 2 keynote speeches) were presented by scholars from Taiwan, the UK, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Thailand, the USA, Russia and the Chinese mainland.
Jan. 24 Prof. Rupert Gethin spoke on “Can we know what the Buddha really taught? Some methodological problems in the study of the Pali Nikayas.”

Mar. 06
The Library and Information Center was formally inaugurated and opened to the public.
Mar. 21 Father Albert Poulet-Mathis, S.J., accompanied Mr. Robert H. Chien, Executive Secretary of Singapore Buddhist Federation, visited CHIBS. They were welcomed by Prof. Lee Chih-fu, Director of CHIBS.
Apr. 01 Ven. Guojian was appointed Vice-Director of the Library and Information Center.
Apr. 01-
Mar. 31
Ven. Huimin and Mr. Aming Tu co-conducted the project of “Taiwan Buddhism Digital Museum: Pilgrimage to Formosa.”
Apr. 08 Ven. Sheng Yen, founder of CHIBS, welcomed Mr. Duan Wenjie, Honorary Director of the Dun-Huang Institute, China.
Apr. 08-25 Prof. Kenyo Mitomo of Rissho University, Japan, lectured on “Principles of Abhidharma” and “Deciphering Sanskrit Manuscripts.”
Apr. 10-
Aug. 07
Prof. Yang Zengwen of the Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, lectured on “The History of Japanese Buddhism” and “The Formation and Earlier Development of the Chinese Ch’an School.”
Apr. 19 Mrs. Elisabeth Laurin and Mr. Pierre Fournier, the Representative and the Vice-Representative of France, accompanied by pattra specialist Dr. Jacqueline Filliozat, visited the Buddhist education complex of Dharma Drum Mountain.
Apr. 25 CHIBS published “Anthology of Papers Presented at the Cross-Strait Seminar on the Status Quo and Development of Buddhist Education.”

May 18
Prof. Li QingCheng and Prof. Wang Jihui of the College of Information Technology, Nankai University, China, and Mr. He Congan, Vice-General Manager of Shin-Lin Technology Company, visited CHIBS.
May 19-26 Ven. Huimin, Mr. Aming Tu, Mr. Miroslav Rozehnal and Mr. Zhou Bangxin participated in the cooperation project of Thesaurus Literature Buddhicae co-sponsored by University of Oslo and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
May 27 A group of four led by Ven. Surong, Standing Director of Xi’an Buddhist Association, China, visited CHIBS.
June 15 Mr. Aming Tu presented a report on the status quo of CHIBS at the annual meeting of the Taiwan Religious Studies Society.
June 17 Father Albert Poulet-Mathis, S.J., accompanied Father Christian Cochini, S.J., researcher at the Ricci Institute, visited CHIBS.
June 17 A group of ten led by Ven. Dermphe Chaohinsar of Santi Asok, Thailand, visited CHIBS.
June 18 Mr. Gupta, the Representative of India in Taiwan, visited CHIBS with his wife.
June 28 Mr. Napoleon Chow, Minister of Culture of Nicaragua, visited the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Education complex. Since Mr. Chow had more than 20 years’ experience of practicing meditation, he asked Ven. Guoguang and Prof. Lee Chih-fu, Director of CHIBS, questions about the practice and popularization of meditation.
July 05 Prof. Jeffrey Hopkins of the University of Virginia spoke on “Nagarjuna’s Views on Life and Liberation” at CHIBS.
July 09 A group of seven led by rNam grol Rinpoche of the Drikung Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism visited CHIBS.
July 21 Prof. Anita Sharma of the Department of Chinese, University of Delhi, India, and her family visited CHIBS.
July 31 The Library of CHIBS bought a set of the Yongle Northern Tripitaka.
Aug. 01 Mr. William Chang, Chairman of the Buddhist Center of Continuing Education of CHIBS, resigned and was succeeded by Assistant Researcher Dr. Po-Lang Tsai.
Aug. 01 Three new researchers were appointed: Po-Lang Tsai, Ph.D. of Chinese Culture University, as Assistant Researcher & Chairman of the Buddhist Center of Continuing Education of CHIBS; Yi-Hsun Huang, Ph.D. of Institute of Religious Studies University of Virginia, USA, as Assistant Researcher & Supervisor of the Development and International Affairs Section of CHIBS; SHI Jien-Hong, Dr. Litt. of Kyushu University, Japan, as Assistant Researcher & Supervisor of the Academic Affairs Section of CHIBS.
Aug. 03 Associate Prof. Xu Wenming of the Department of Philosophy, Beijing Normal University, visited CHIBS.
Aug. 05 Prof. Charles B. Jones of The Catholic University of America spoke on “Foundations of Ethics and Practice in Chinese Pure Land Buddhism.”
Aug. 07-11 Prof. Lee Chih-fu, Director of CHIBS, went to China to attend the Mt. Wutai International Buddhist Conference.
Aug. 09 Ven. Guoji, Mr. Lin Xinxing and Miss Qian Wenzhu accompanied by several members of the International CEO Organization visited CHIBS.
Aug. 10 The Library of CHIBS provided its data to the National Library for inclusion in “The Library Yearbook 2002 of the Republic of China.”
Aug. 10 CHIBS signed an exchange agreement with the Institute of Buddhology and the Theory of Religious Studies, People's University, China which sent Ph.D. candidate Qiu Huan to CHIBS studied from Dec. 27 to Feb. 9, 2003.
Aug. 16-23 Mr. Aming Tu was invited by the Yin Shun Foundation of North America to lecture at its summer camp.
Aug. 30 The Mayor and other officials of Jinshan township visited CHIBS.
Sept. 19 -
Mr. Aming Tu presented a paper on “Applying XML, TEI and DC in Digital Buddhist Materials” at PNC Annual Conference and Joint Meetings 2002 [PNC/ECAI/IPSJ-SIGCH/EBTI] sponsored by Osaka University, Japan.
Sept. 20 Five guests from Japan visited CHIBS. Among them Professors Minowa and Hayashi came from Aichi University where Zheng Suyun is a graduate student, Dr. Gyanaratna is a special research fellow at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and Prof. Hiroshi Yamanaka worked at Tsukuba University.
Sept. 24 Ven. Sheng Yen, Founder of CHIBS, invited over fifty longtime supporters of CHIBS to a cordial get together at Dharma Drum Mountain.
Oct. 07 Prof. Hsieh Ching-chun of Academia Sinica accompanied a group of five including Mr. Yu Chih-ming, Director of The Electronic Version of Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition), from Hong Kong, with his wife and other advisors visited CHIBS.
Oct. 12 Dr. Bhikshu Satyapala, Director of the Department of Buddhist Studies of Delhi University, India, visited CHIBS.
Nov. 05 Mr. Jean-Pierre Chambraud, Editor-in-Chief of Bouddhist Actualities, France, and his colleague Ms. Christine Chambraud-Bouchet visited CHIBS. Bouddhisme Actualities, a professional Buddhist journal specializing in news on the development of Buddhism in France and in the world, was founded in 1999.
Nov. 12 Ven. Huimin, Vice-Director of CHIBS, went to Japan to congratulate its sister school Hanazono University on her 130th anniversary.
Nov. 25 Representatives from various religions set up a Committee for the Advancement of Institutes of Religious Studies. Prof. Lee Chih-fu, Director of CHIBS, was elected as its secretary-general to promote the inclusion of religious education into the government controled school system. On Nov. 05, members of the committee visited Mr. Wang Jinping, speaker of the Legislative Yuan; on Nov. 28, they visited the different political parties of the Legislative Yuan; and on Dec. 05, they went to see Dr. Huang Rongcun, Minister of Education.
Nov. 30 The Library of CHIBS finished the production of introductory video tapes.
Dec. 01-07

The Library of CHIBS held the activities of 1st Library Week.

Dec. 01-18 Prof. Lance Cousins, President of the Pali Text Society, London, gave two lectures on“A Newly Discovered Sanskrit Manuscript of the D.rgh.gama” and “Jhāna, the Formless Attainments and the Historical Buddha” respectively.
Dec. 08 CHIBS sponsored a seminar to present “The Yearbook of Buddhist Colleges and Buddhist Institutes in Taiwan, the 1st Issue” at the Anhe branch. Prof. Lee Chih-fu, Director of CHIBS, invited Shih Heng-ching, Ven. Zhaohui, Prof. Xiao Jinsong, Prof. Yang Huinan and Prof. Lan Jifu discussed “Buddhist Education in Taiwan: Development and Cooperation Today and Tomorrow.”
Dec. 08-13 Ven. Huimin and Mr. Aming Tu attended the 13th Conference of the International Association of Buddhist Studies sponsored by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. Mr. Tu presented a paper on Xuanzang and the Silk Road: A Digital Museum Project and Metadata.

Jan. 29 A six member delegation headed by Arjia Rinpoche from the Tibetan Center for Compassion and Wisdom of Mill Valley, California visited Dharma Drum Mountain, toured the Buddhist Educational Complex, the Monks’ Quarters, and the construction site. They met informally with Prof. Lee Chih-fu (Director of the Institute), Ven. Guoguang, Ven. Guojian, Mr. Aming Tu (Director of the Library and Information Center), Prof. Jeffrey Hopkins, and Mr. Liao Bensheng. In the afternoon they met with Master Sheng Yen. Arjia Rinpoche and Master Sheng Yen each contributed to a work of calligraphy reading “Buddha, Dharma, Sangha Gems” in Chinese, which Master Sheng Yen proclaimed to be a Sino-Tibetan joint treasure. It has been added to the Institute’s collection of Dharma treasures.
Feb. 01-15 To honor Master Sheng Yen on the Chinese New Year, the Institute’s Buddhist Center for Art Research held a bazaar. On the afternoon of February 10, Master Sheng Yen hosted the main members of the Chung-Hwa Art and Calligraphy Association in a tea reception at the Anhe Branch Monastery. Mementos and groups photos were given as gifts.
Feb. 17 Ven. Hai Tao, head of the Buddhist Education Center, together with fourteen others, visited Dharma Drum Mountain and paid a courtesy visit to Master Sheng Yen. They also visited the Institute’s Library and Information Center.
Feb. 19 Ms. Li Chunjin, chair of the Li Chunjin Foundation, visited the Institute.
Feb. 20 Mr. Li Shiyang of the Hehe Group visited under the escort of Master Sheng Yen.
Feb. 21 Master Sheng Yen gave a seminar talk entitled “Han Buddhist Culture and its Historical Artifacts” for faculty, students, and staff in the Institute’s lecture hall.
Feb. 24 Kalden Tamang visited the Institute.
Feb. 28 Our Buddhist Studies Information Network Center began distribution of the CD-ROM, 20th Anniversary of The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies: Tilling the Soil, Planting Good Seeds.
Mar. 16 Ven. Heng-ching, who is the organizer for joint special projects with National Taiwan University and Taipei University of the Arts, met with Master Sheng Yen to report on those projects. She also visited the Library and Information Center.
Mar. 19 Geshe Lhundub Sopa visited the Institute and presented a talk.
Mar. 21 Vice President Annette Lu visited Master Shen Yen.
Mar. 28 At 9:30 AM, Master Sheng Yen personally officiated at the ceremony inaugurating the Institute’s Buddhist Center for Art Research which was held in the Chung-Cheng Hall of the Taipei Armed Forces Hero House. Approximately 300 people attended.
Apr. 08 Part of a group of seven, Master Jen-Chun and mainland scholars Prof. Wang Leiquan and Mr. Li Yuansong visited DDM.
Apr. 12 Renowned calligrapher Prof. Du Zhonggao and others from the Huane Calligraphy Association visited the Institute.
Apr. 17 Prof. Arent Teichmann of Germany, Prof. Chen Hsien-Wu of National Taiwan University, and Ms. Zhou Meihui visited Dharma Drum Mountain.
Apr. 22 Researcher Wan Li of the Philosophy Department of the Hunan Academy of Social Sciences, together with three other mainland scholars visited the Dharma Drum Mountain.Buddhist Educational.Complex. They were very interested in the Institute’s previous international conferences, educational achievements, and future developments.
Apr. 23 Section Supervisor Zhong Yuefeng of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission visited the Institute’s Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program, gave a talk entitled “The Character of Democratic Societies.”
Apr. 24 Director of the Institute Lee Chih-fu and Ven. Heng-ching sat in on the Legislative Yuan’s Education and Culture Committee meeting presided over by representative and chair Hong Xiuzhu. A revision to the ninth provision in private university law was examined, regarding the addition of a clause regarding religious graduate institutions.
May 01 The e-Learning website (http://elearning.chibs.edu.tw), designed by the Buddhist Studies Information Network Center, was put on-line, with fully implemented administrative policies and functionality.
May 07 Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission Department head Xu Rongsong visited the Institute and exchanged ideas with students of the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program. Afterwards he discussed a coordinating meeting with regards to the continuation of the program.
May 28 Su-jei Own, Deputy Secretary General of the Taiwan Tibet Exchange Foundation, visited the Institute and gave a talk entitled “Some Thoughts regarding the Translation of the Tibetan Canon into Chinese” for the students of the Institute and the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program.
June 11 Section Supervisor Zhong Yuefeng of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission visited the Institute. He explained to students the format of the third class of the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program, and expressed his interest in the future plans for the students.
June 26 Two of the Institute’s researchers earned the National Science Council’s 2003 funding for specialized research projects: Chen Yingshan, “The study of T’ien-t’ai Ssu-chiao tuan-huo (II-I)” and Liao Bensheng, “Translating and Research on the Tibetan Text Words’ Commentaries of the ‘Great Exposition of Tenets’ (part 1 of 2).”
June 27 Ven. Zhaohui, chair of Hongshi Foundation, accompanied representatives from Tzu Chi and Fo Guang Shan visited the Institute to discuss the conference honoring Ven. Yin Shun’s 100th birthday. They also toured the Dharma Drum Mountain.Buddhist educational complex.
June 30 The Library and Information Center published Dharma Drum Mountain, Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies Library and Information Center: Commemorating the First Anniversary of our Move and the Annual Library Week.
July 2003-
June 2004
The Institute received funding from the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for the project entitled “The Study and Creation of a Multi-Lingual Version of the Lotus S.tra (Saddharmapun.d.arika-sutra).” Director Lee Chih-fu, Vice Director Ven. Huimin, as Toda Hirofumi, and Mitomo Keny. will be working on the project.
July 01 The Institute formally established its Buddhist Informatics program, with Professors Ching-Chun Hsieh, Yen-Jen Oyang, Dr. Christian Wittern, and Suchu Hsu.
Aug. 10 One hundred and thirty members of the Buddhist Center for Art Research visited the Dharma Drum Mountain.Buddhist educational.complex. In the afternoon they attended a talk given by Master Sheng Yen at Nung Chan Monastery.
Aug. 19 Director Lee Chih-fu accompanied Master Sheng Yen on a visit to Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to discuss issues relating to religious graduate-level educational institutions.
Aug. 29 His Eminence Paul Cardinal Shan and Ms. Nita Ing, chair of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation, visited the Institute.
Sept. 04 Hanno Lecher, head librarian of the Leiden University library, and Prof. Axel Schneider visited the Library and Information Center and also met with Director Lee Chih-fu.
Sept. 05 Actor Jet Li visited the Institute under the escort of Master Sheng Yen.
Sept. 07-08 The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies and the mainland’s Buddhist Association of China jointly held the “Second Two Shores Colloquium on Buddhist Studies and Education” at Fayuan Monastery in Beijing.
Sept. 09-11 The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies and the mainland’s Chinese Academy of Social Sciences held a joint conference at the Huanghai Hotel in Qingdao, China entitled “Faxian and Chinese Buddhist Culture: the 1590th Anniversary of Faxian’s Return to China via the Laoshan Port following his Journey to India for Scriptures.”
Sept. 15 The Institute signed an academic exchange agreement with the Institute for the Study of Issues in Religion, Science, and Society of Shandong University in China.
Oct. 13 Shandong University sent two exchange students, Zhou Jie and Ma Zhonggeng, to the Institute to do research for a period of three months.
Oct. 18-19 The Institute, entrusted by the Mainland Affairs Council, held the “Symposium on the Current State of Buddhist Academic Research and Buddhist Education for Both Shores” in the First Floor Auditorium of the Education and Administration Building at DDM. Scholars from China were taken on a tour of Buddhist Academies and other activities from October 20-23.
Nov. 05-11 Mr. Aming Tu, head of the Institute’s Library and Information Center, represented the Institute in the “Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference and Joint Meetings 2003” held at the Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Center in Bangkok. He delivered a paper and gave a demonstration.
Nov. 14 Dr. Wang Rongchang of the China Lutheran Seminary and two scholars of Areopagos Norway visited the Institute.
Nov. 19 Prof. Liu Guowei, chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Fo Guang University, Prof. Carl Bielefeldt, Director of the Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies, and four others visited the Institute.
Nov. 22-23 The Symposium for Contemporary Tibetan Studies was held by the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission (MAC) with assistance from the Institute at the Qianzhan Hall in the Howard International House, Taipei.
Nov. 24-26 Dr. Gene Smith and Weirong Shen, participants in the above MAC symposium, visited the Institute.
Nov. 30-
Dec. 20
Dr. Pavel L. Grokhovski, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg State University of Russia, came on a short-term research trip. The Institute had an exchange agreement with that university.
Dec. 01-06 The Library and Information Center held its annual Library Week activities: a symposium entitled “Profiles of Contemporary Buddhist Figures,” and other related celebratory activities.
Dec. 04-08 Lee Chih-fu, Director of the Institute, and Mr. Aming Tu, Head of the Library and Information Center, presented papers at the “Symposium on Buddhism and Modern Society” held by the Buddhist Three Virtues Dharma Center of Hong Kong.
Dec. 09-11 Ven. Huimin, Vice Director of the Institute, Mr. Aming Tu, Mr. Zhou Bangxin, and students of the Buddhist Informatics Program participated in the conference entitled “Literature and Information Technology International Conference” held by the Department of Chinese Linguistics and Literature, Yuan Ze University. They presented a paper entitled “Technology for the Digitization of Classical Texts into Critical Editions: the CBETA Taish. Electronic Canon as an Example.”
Dec. 10 Dhrutop Rinpoche of the Tārā Monastery in Nepal along with eleven others visited the Institute.
Dec. 11 Ven. Huikong, Director of Ciguang Institute of Chan Studies in Taichung, accompanied six scholars from China for a visit.
Dec. 17 Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission Chairman Xu Zhengguang visited the Institute and presented a talk attended by the students of the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program entitled “The Development of Cultural Pluralism: Taiwan’s Experience.”
Dec . 24 Tsegyam Ngawa, chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited the Institute and presented a talk attended by the students of the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program entitled “A New Perspective on Tibetan History: Interrupted Generations, Territorial Regions, and Modern Relocation.”

Jan. 15 The Buddhist Studies Information Network Center published an expanded version of the CBETA Electronic Buddhist Canon. Twenty-one volumes of the Xu zang jing have been added to the previous version, which contains volumes 1–55 and 85 of the Taishō Canon.
Jan. 20 Shih Jeng Rong, a student of our Institute’s ninth graduating class, completed her Ph.D. degree in the Department of Buddhist Studies, Graduate School of Letters, Ryukoku University. Her advisors were Mikgami Esho and Hiromi Yoshimura, and the title of her dissertation is “Basha ron o chūshin to suru Setsu issaiu bu no shudō ron: omo ni kendōzen o chūshin to shita kenkyū” (The Sarvāstivāda theory of path cultivation based on the Mahāvibhāṣā śāstra: a study of the stages prior to the Path of Seeing).
Jan. 22-25 The library held a “Dharma-dāna: Help Expand our Sūtra Collection” fund-raising activity in conjunction with Spring Festival activities. A total of NT $481,400 was raised for new s.tras, and the second floor of the library was opened for visitors.
Feb. 04 Raymond R.M. Tai, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the R.O.C. to the Holy See, along with his wife and daughter visited the Institute. Master Sheng Yen and Director Lee Chih-fu accompanied them on a tour of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Educational Complex.
Feb. 24-29 Master Sheng Yen led a group which took part in the United Nations World Youth Peace Summit, Asia Pacific Conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand. Third year student Lin Shu’an represented the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies at the summit.
Feb. 27 Eighty members of the “Cross-Strait Buddhist Music Exhibition” visited the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Educational Complex.
Feb. 29 Director Lee Chih-fu, Executive Secretary Hsiulan Chen, and Vice Director of Sangha University, Ven. Guo Guang participated in the Ministry of Education’s forum on Institutions of Religious Study and Practice.
Mar. 03 Prof. Qu Haiyuan, researcher at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Sociology, visited the Institute to deliver a talk entitled “Investigations and Research in the Sociology of Religion.”
Mar. 17 Xu Rongsong, Section Chief of the Tibetan Department of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, visited the Institute and met with students in the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program.
Mar. 23 The Legislative Yuan passed the Third Reading of the “Ninth Amendment to Education Law for Private Institutions,” which allows Institutions of Religious Study and Practice to be officially recognized.
Apr. 02 Mr. Gao and his son of the Shin Wen Feng Print Co. made the gift of a complete set of an inscription-rubbing version of the Qianlong Tripiaka (dating to 1735-38) to the Institute’s library, which is accessible to faculty and students.
Apr. 20 At 2:00 PM, the Anhe Branch Monastery held a press conference regarding the “Cross-Strait Academic Conference: Ven. Yin Shun and Humanistic Buddhism.” Director Lee Chih-fu, along with several members of the Institute’s staff, attended the conference.
Apr. 22 The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies established a Memorandum of Academic Exchange with the Department of Studies in Religion of the University of Sydney. The memorandum was signed by Master Sheng Yen, CHIBS founder, and Prof. June Sinclair, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sydney. By invitation of the Department of Studies in Religion, Master Sheng Yen gave a talk entitled “The Chan School’s Perspective on Dual Liberation: The Relationship between Mind Liberation and Wisdom Liberation.”
Apr. 24-25 The Institute, the Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education, Tzu Chi University’s Graduate Institute of Religious and Cultural Studies, and the Buddhist Hongshi Institute held a joint conference entitled “A Cross-Strait Academic Conference in Celebration of Ven. Yin Shun’s 100th Birthday: Ven. Yin Shun and Humanistic Buddhism.” Director Lee Chih-fu was elected to be conference chairperson. Over 700 people participated including presenters and attendees.
Apr. 26 In celebration of the one hundredth birthday of Ven. Yin Shun, Director Lee Chih-fu, Academic Vice Director Ven. Huimin, and several Institute staff members visited the Fu Yan Buddhist Institute to pay their respects to Ven. Yin Shun.
May 01 In celebration of the one hundredth birthday of Ven. Yin Shun, the “International Colloquium of Research Projects on the Silk Road” was held at Tzu Chi’s Still Thoughts Hall. The conference was jointly sponsored by our Institute, the Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education, Tzu Chi University’s Graduate Institute of Religious and Cultural Studies, and the Buddhist Hongshi Institute. In the morning, Library Head Aming Tu introduced the “World of Xuanzang and the Silk Road” project website (see http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/silk/). In the afternoon Director Lee Chih-fu gave a report entitled “International Silk Road Research Projects” and additionally led the general discussion session. Mr. Aming Tu then reported on recent research on the Silk Road in a presentation entitled “An Introduction to Recent International Digitization Research Projects.” A total of approximately 150 presenters and attendees participated.
May 05 Director Lee Chih-fu, Administrative Vice Director Ven. Guo Jaw, Executive Secretary Hsiulan Chen, and Vice Director of Sangha University Ven. Guo Guang visited the Ministry of Education to participate in the “Policy Coordinating Meeting for Discussion of Matters Relating to Institutions of Religious Study and Practice.”
May 05 The Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program invited Deputy Secretary General of the Taiwan Tibetan Exchange Foundation Su-jei Own to host a seminar. He showed the film “Life as Cinema” and took part in a discussion session with the students.
May 06 Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk Rinpoche of the Dzongsar Institute visited the Institute and gave a lecture on the opening section of the Madhyamaka-..stra. Afterwards his entire party toured the library.
May 07-10 Library Head Aming Tu participated in the “Congress of Cultural Atlases: The Human Record” conference at the University of California at Berkeley. He gave a demonstration entitled “The New Environment for the Buddhist Electronic Text.”

May 28-
June 04

CHIBS Assistant Researcher Yi-hsun Huang presented a paper at the International Conference on Huayan Buddhism held in Budapest, Hungary, for which she was awarded a conference grant from the Executive Yuan’s National Science Council.
June 17 Two of the Institute’s researchers earned the National Science Council’s 2003 funding for specialized research projects: Chen Yingshan’s “A Study of Tiantai Sijiao Duanhuo (II-II)” and Liao Bensheng’s “Translation and Research on the Tibetan Text Words Commentaries of the ‘Great Exposition of Tenets’ (part 2 of 2).”
July 22 Ms. Dena Merriam, founder of the Global Peace Initiative of Women and an honored guest at the World Youth Peace Summit, visited the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Educational Complex.
July 28 Director Lee Chih-fu and Executive Secretary Hsiulan Chen met with Deputy Director He of the Ministry of Education’s Department of Higher Education to seek instruction on issues regarding institutions of religious study and practice.
Aug. 17 By introduction of Prof. Jeffrey Hopkins, Dr. Elizabeth Napper visited the Institute and gave a talk entitled “Tibetan Nuns and the Tibetan Nuns Project.” Chinese interpreting was done by Shu-chen Chen.
Aug. 26 The entrance exam for the fourth class of the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program was held. This year’s selection process was oriented toward translation skills. A total of twelve Tibetan monks were accepted, with background in the Nyingma, Sakya, and Kagyu traditions.
Sept. 01 The Institute’s library added the Mongolian Buddhist canon and the Chinese Hongwu Southern canon to its collection.
Sept. 15 The sixth session, second meeting of the board of directors discussed matters relating to plans for the “Dharma Drum College of Buddhist Studies and Practice.”
Sept. 15 Yit Kin Tung, a student in the Institute’s thirteenth graduating class, received his Ph.D. in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol. His dissertation advisor was Dr. Rupert Gethin, and the title of his dissertation is “A Stereotyped Structure of the Path in Early Buddhist Literature: A Comparative Study of the P.li, Sanskrit, and Chinese Sources.”
Sept. 16 Kuo-pin Chuang, a student in the Institute’s eighth graduating class, received his Ph.D. in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol. His dissertation advisor was Dr. Rupert Gethin, and the title of his dissertation is “The Path to Liberation according to the Sarvastivadin.”
Sept. 17 At the editorial committee meeting held at the Fu Yan monastery for the Education in Taiwan Buddhist Institutes Yearbook, a resolution was passed naming Prof. Lu Kaiwen of Nanhua University as committee chair for the upcoming term. The Institute also turned over NT $24,618 from yearbook sales to Prof. Lu for the second editorial term’s funding.
Oct. 07 The library acquired a full-text PDF electronic database of the Tibetan canon from the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. It has been set up in the library’s second floor sūtra area where users can enjoy full access.
Oct. 11 Under the supervision of Director Lee Chih-fu and both vice directors, and with coordination from Yi-hsun Huang, data provided by relevant organizations was compiled into plan specifications entitled “Dharma Drum College of Buddhist Studies and Practice.” The finished document was then delivered to the Ministry of Education for evaluation.
Oct. 19-22 At the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium’s (PNC) 2004 Annual Conference, held at Academia Sinica, Vice Director Ven. Huimin, Library Head Aming Tu, and Buddhist Informatics Prof. Yen-jen Oyang presented the following two papers: 1. “The Buddhist Digital Archive and its Knowledge Structure: Mani Jewels Reflecting in the Indra Net” (PNC); and 2. “Taiwan Buddhist Digital Archive and the Rare Books Cataloging in Dublin Core” (at the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative session). They also gave a demonstration in using the CBETA CD-ROM entitled “The Buddhist Digital Text and the CB·Reader.”
Oct. 27-
Nov. 07
Director Lee Chih-fu led a group to Xinjiang on a research tour. The group numbered twenty-two and included professors, students, and expert scholars.
Oct. 28 Academic Vice Director Ven. Huimin gave a lecture for the Buddhist Informatics program entitled “A Comparison of the Achievements of National Digital Archives Technology Projects at the National Level: Academia Sinica’s Institution Project and National Taiwan University’s Digital Archives.”
Oct. 29 The Institute signed a cooperative agreement of academic exchange with Tarim University of Xinjiang, China.
Nov. 01 The Institute completed its acquisition of Pali Text Society books. The entire collection now includes 177 volumes.
Nov. 10 Prof. John Powers of Australia National University visited the Institute and gave a lecture entitled “Hermeneutics According to the Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra.”
Nov. 12-19 Director Lee Chih-fu traveled to Xiamen to take part in the “Colloquium on Buddhist Research Methods and Buddhist Cultural Development” which was held jointly by Xiamen University’s Buddhist Research Center, the China Institute for Research of Buddhist Culture, Minnan Buddhist Academy, and Xiamen University’s Philosophy Department.
Nov. 13 The Faculty Conference for the 2003-2004 academic year was held on the first floor of Auditorium of the Education and Administration Building. Five faculty papers, listed below, were presented.
1. Yi-hsun Huang, “A Study of the Fourteenth Fascicle of the Chuandeng yuying ji” (in Chinese).
2. Yang Yu-wen, “An Explanation with Examples of Uncompounded Words in the Āgama Dictionary” (in Chinese).
3. K.T.S. Sarao, “Kailash-Manasarovar Pilgrimage: The Indian Route” (in English).
4. Chen Yingshan, “A Discussion of Tiantai’s Five Contemplations for Putting the Mind at Rest” (in Chinese).
5. William Magee, “A Controversy Unveiled: How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated as Requiring Interpretation in Candrakīrti's Madhyamakavatārabhāshya?” (in English).
Nov. 15 Choong Yoke Meei, a student in the Institute’s eighth graduating class, received her Ph.D. in the Department of Indology, Asia-Africa Institute, University of Hamburg. Her dissertation advisor was Prof. Dr. Lambert Schmithausen, and her dissertation is entitled “Zum Problem der Leerheit (śūnyatā) in der Prajñāpāramitā” (On the problem of emptiness [śūnyatā] in the Prajñāpāramitā).
Nov. 25-29 Library Head Aming Tu visited Japan to participate in the “Conference on Comparative Buddhist Culture.” He presented a paper entitled “A Comparison between Traditional Paper Texts and Modern Digital Texts: The CBETA Buddhist Canon as an Example.”
Nov. 28 The Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission held the “International Symposium on Exile Tibet Issues” at the Civil Service Development Institute, with assistance from the Institute and the Torch of Wisdom Buddhist Association. The theme was “Freedom, Human Rights and Democratic Transition for Exile Tibetans.”
Nov. 30 Prof. Ching-Chun Hsieh of Hsuan Chuang University gave a lecture for the Buddhist Informatics Program entitled “Characteristics of the Known: A Discussion regarding the Understanding and Interpretation of Information.”
Dec. 01 The library established areas dedicated for materials on Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. The text area is on the second floor, and the area for audio-visual materials is on the fourth floor.
Dec. 01-
Library Week. Activities included the following:
1. Special exhibit on Avalokiteśvara: statues, art, texts, and multimedia.
2. Lectures
i. Hou Kunhong of Academia Historica, “Ven. Taixu’s ‘Modern Revelations’: Some Observations regarding his Writings and Teachings.”
ii. Author Liang Hanyi, “Reading and Life: Inspirations in my Life from Reading Books.”
3. Talks on Buddhism and Society
i. Buddhist Guanyin Hotline director, and lecturer at National Taipei University of Technology, Cai Renhui gave a talk introducing her center.
ii. Author, translator, and body-mind-spirit counselor Hu Yinmeng gave a talk entitled “Thousand hands, Thousand eyes Avalokiteśvara: Looking at the Importance of Spiritual Cultivation for Psychological Counselors from the Perspective of Life and Social Concern.”
Dec. 08 Library Head Aming Tu gave a lecture entitled “Standards and Models for the Creation of Digital Resources in Buddhist Studies” at the International Conference on Sinological Resources in the Digital Era, which was held December 7-9.
Dec. 09 Tse-fu Kuan a student of our Institute’s twelfth graduating class, completed his Ph.D. degree in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Oxford. His dissertation advisor was Prof. Richard Gombrich, and his dissertation is entitled, “The Practice of Mindfulness (Sati) in Early Buddhism.”
Dec. 18 Ven. Chun Yin (Chun-min Yen), a student of our Institute’s tenth graduating class, completed his Ph.D. degree in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona. His advisor was Prof. Robert Gimello, and the title of his dissertation is “Shadows and Echoes of the Mind: Hanshan Deqing’s (1546-1623) Syncretic View and Buddhist Interpretation of the Daode jing.”
Dec. 31 Yuan Ze University Professor Feng-ju Lo gave a lecture for the Buddhist Informatics program entitled, “Information System Design and Application for Literature, Geography, Time, and Space: The Poetry of Su Shi as an Example.”

Jan. 05 Prof. Chen Guo-can from the History Department of Wuhan University, China, presented a speech entitled: “Appreciating the Art of Qiuci Rock Cave.”
Jan. 09 Invited by the Buddhist Informatics Curriculum Committee, Prof. Xie Qing-jun and Prof. Yang Yu-wen engaged an open discussion at the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica.
Jan. 10 Prof. Rab Rgyas from the Ethical Normal School of Mgo Log Autonomous Community, Qinghai Province, China (Tibetan: mgo-log bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) delivered a speech on Taranatha's treatise, entitled: “Essence of Other Emptiness”.
Jan. 13 Dr. Yueh Jiandong, alumnus of Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, who has obtained his Ph.D. degree from the School of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Bristol, U.K., presented a speech entitled: “Research on the Essential Dharma Framework and its Related Chan Practices in Early Buddhism.”
Jan. 14 Invited by Buddhist Informatics Curriculum Committee, Prof. Huang Kuo-chan, Chairman of Electronic Commerce Department of Hsinkuo University of Management, Tainan, delivered a speech entitled: “Technical Development and its Related Fields of Buddhist Informatics.”
Jan. 31 Vice Director Bhiksuni Guo-Jaw, accompanied by Executive Secretary Chen Hsui-lan, affirmed the status of Chung-Hwa Institute as a religious corporation with the related personnel at the Ministry of Education and the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China.
Feb. 01 Volume 54-88 of the Buddhist Canon was added to the new edition of CBETA.
Feb. 21 Three new services were available at the Library of the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies:
1. The catalogue of the traditional Buddhist canon.
2. Full text of the Tibetan Tripitaka Index from the Tibetan Buddhist Research Center (TBRC), available in PDF files.
3. Special collection for the studies of Bodhisattva Guanyin.
Feb. 21 Visit of eleven scholars from Emei Mountain, Sichuan, China
Feb. 26 Visit of administrative specialists: Prof. Deng Dong-bin, Advisor Yang Na-na, Prof Xing Zhi-tian, Advisor Lin Zheng-hui, and Chairperson Wu Ru-shan.
Mar. 10 Visit of representatives of the Canadian press—the Vancouver Courier— accompanied by representatives from Taiwan North Coast National Scenic Area.
Mar. 14 Visit of Prof. Dr. Annette Wilke and ten graduate students from University of Munster, Germany.
Mar. 15 Prof. Toru Funayama of Kyoto University, Japan, delivered a speech entitled: “Perception, Conceptual Construction and Yogic Cognition According to Kamalashila’s Epistemology.”
Mar. 18 Aming Tu, Director of Library and Information Center, presented a paper entitled: “The Perspective of Establishing Standardized Management and Facilities for Libraries of Religious Research Institutions—Taking the Library of the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies as an Example” at the Conference of Managing Religious Libraries.
Mar. 21 Director Lee Chih-fu, Administrative Vice Director Bhiksuni Guo Jaw, Library Director Aming Tu and Executive Secretary Chen Hsiu-lan attended the Conference on the Establishment of Religious Corporations held by Ministry of Education.
Mar. 26 Visit of professors and graduate students, a total of twelve people, from Chinghwa University, Beijing, China.
Apr. 05 Visit of Chen Dong-ji, Lien Qi- ming, Gerfa Acheruauu from German Cultural and Art Group.
Apr. 08 Visit of Director Zhao Xing-guang and eleven graduate students from the Department of Religious Studies, Donghai University, Taichung.
Apr. 21 Prof. Charles B. Jones of the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., U.S.A, presented a speech entitled: “Yuan Hongdao’s Xifang helun and the Development of Late Ming Pure Land Thought.”
Apr. 29 Invited by Buddhist Informatics Curriculum Committee, Prof. Ouyang Yen-jen from the Department of Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, delivered a speech entitled: “Buddhism, System Science, and System Biology”
May 03 Mr. Tamotsu Sato, Director of Japan Nishogakusha University, and Ms. Yang Gui-xiang, representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, visited Dharma Drum Mountain. Library Director Aming Tu also gave them a brief tour in the library and an introduction on Buddhist Informatics Program.
May 16 His Holiness Tri Rinpoche Longrig Namgay, the 101th Throne Holder of the Geluk Order of Tibetan Buddhism, in a company of six people, visited Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education.
May 27 Invited by Buddhist Informatics Curriculum Committee, Mr. Mei Shih-jie, Convener of National Digital Archive Program at the Information Subdivision of National Museum of History, delivered a speech entitled: “Museum Information Network- Interweaving Reality and Virtual Reality.”
May 30 Father Courau Theiry from France and Father Jean Claude Thamba from Congo, People’s Republic of Africa, visited the Institute.
June 08 Dr. Choong Yoke Meei of the Institute of Indian Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany, delivered a speech entitled: “Emptiness and the Accumulation of Merit: a Study of Buddhist Thoughts with Philology as a Foundation.”
June 14 Venerable Tenzin Palmo, the first western Tibetan Bhiksuni, author of “Cave in the Snow” and founder of Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery, delivered a speech entitled: “The Prospects for Re-building the Bhikkhuni System in Tibetan Buddhism.”
June 14 Visit of Venerable Long Gen, Sian Siang and Sian Ming from Singapore.
June 26-30 Aitani Yoshimitu, COE Research Associate of Japan Nishogakusha University, visited the Institute. He presented a speech entitled: “Relations between the Scriptural Index and the Buddhist Section of Arts and Literature Collection in the New Tang Book According to the Sequel of Biographies of Eminent Monks in the Buddhist Scriptural Index of Great Tang, written by Venerable Shi Tao-xuan of the Tang Dynasty.”
June 30 Prof. Chen Ying-shan and Prof. Lee Chih-fu received project funding from the National Science Council for their respective projects: “Research in Chan Education on Campus” and “The Research and Development of Buddhist Scriptural Digital Content: The Mark-up Content and Information Framework of a Scriptural Index and Its Contents.”
July 11 Fukuhara Ryuzen, the newly inaugurated principle of Japan Bukkyo University, Secretary Norio Tachi and Ms. Matsumura Koei visited the Institute.
Aug. 01 Mart Laanemets, Ph.D. candidate at Talin University, Estonia, delivered a speech entitled: “The Gandavyuhasutra as an Historical Source”
Aug. 12 The Institute applied for its certification as religious corporation to the Ministry of Education.
Aug. 15 The honorable guest of Master Sheng Yen, Mr. Michael Slaby, representative of Earth Charter, visited the Institute.
Aug. 17 Bhiksuni Chang Ji of Dharma Propagation Department, led four students from Bodhi Dharma Nunnery School (JangChub ChoeLing Nunnery), India, visited the Institute.
Aug. 28-
Invited by SOAS, London University, Library Director Aming Tu gave a presentation at the International Association of Buddhist Studies, IABS 2005.
Sept. 05-
Prof. Ochiai Toshinori of the Graduate School of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Japan, delivered a speech entitled: “The Informational Value of Ancient Manuscripts of Japanese Buddhist Scripture” Prof. Kinugawa Kenji of Hanazono University presented a speech entitled: “Verification of Ancient Japanese Buddhist Manuscripts”, and Mr. Aoki Susumu, Academic Frontier Associate of the Graduate School of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies, Japan, delivered a speech entitled: “Development of an Interface between Digital Image and CBETA.”
Sept. 13 Qiu Bing and Jiang Nan, two visiting graduate students from Department of Chinese Studies, Beijing University, studied at the Institute for four months.
Sept. 16 Ten people, including staff and students, from the Information Network Center of the Institute, attended the conference entitled, “Trends and Application of Buddhist Digital Resources 2005.” Library Director Aming Tu made a presentation entitled, “Report on the Current Development of Digital Resources at the Chung-Hwa Buddhism Research Institute.”
Sept. 20-
Library Director Aming Tu, along with staff and students of the Information Network Center, participated in the Conference of Collaborative Establishment of Digitalization of Chinese Texts 2005, sponsored by Fu Si-nien Library of History and Philology Institute, Academia Sinica. Aming Tu presented a paper entitled: “Basic Standards for Collaboration on Chinese Digitalization Projects—the Markup of Chinese Buddhist Scriptures.”
Sept. 28 In the meeting of Administrative Development, the Institute signed an agreement with Department of Literary and Buddhist Studies of Nishogakusha University in Japan to establish academic exchange programs.
Oct. 05 Mr. Xu Rong-song, Director of the Tibetan Department of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, visited the Tibetan monks studying at the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program in the Institute.
Oct. 13 Prof. Hong Zhen-zhou delivered a speech entitled, “Computer DIY.”
Oct. 14 Mr. Tu Bao-rui, Secretary General of the Chinese Philosophy Association, led fourteen scholars from China—who attended the Academic Conference on Religion and Society between the Two Straits 2005—visited the Institute.
Oct. 20-22 Commemoration of the Dharma Drum Mountain Symposium. With the theme “From the Inner Heart to Global Vision” three conferences were held: World Buddhist Academic Colloquium, World Buddhist Academic Symposium, and World Religious Leaders Colloquium. These conferences were co-sponsored by the Institute.
Oct. 21 The Principal of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand, visited the Institute.
Oct. 21 Twenty representatives from Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery, Singapore, visited the Institute.
Oct. 21 Agreement was made to establish academic collaboration and exchanges between the Institute and the Research Center of Quici Rock Cave, Xinjiang, China.
Oct. 24 Dr. J. Gordon Melton, Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion, Dr. Gail M. Harley, an American scholar, and two Tibetan Bhiksuni visited the Institute.
Oct. 30 A reunion gathering was held at the Institute. Senior staff were awarded and volunteers were applauded.
Nov. 08 Blo bzang dpal ldan, the newly inaugurated abbot of Sera Monastery, with a company of ten people, visited the Institute.
Nov. 13 Mr. Dilong, the well-known actor, accompanied by Venerable Guo Yuan, visited the Institute.
Nov. 14-25 Prof. Richard Gombrich from Oxford University, U.K., presented six lectures.
Nov. 24 Prof. Hong Zhen-zhou presented a speech entitled, “How the Internet really Works? Who Owns the Net: Hardware, Software and International Politics.”
Nov. 26 The Tenth Annual Thesis Presentation of full-time Researchers in the Institute was held. Prof. Aming Tu, Venerable Jian-Hong, Prof. Tasi Po-Lang, Mr. Liao Bensheng presented their papers.
Nov. 26 Dr. Zen De-ming, alumnus of the the eighth graduating class of the Institute, obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of Central Asiatic Studies of the University of Bonn, Germany. Under the supervision of Dr. Dieter Schuh, he graduated with thesis entitled, “Sino-Tibetan Calculation of the Divination Presented According to the Work of dPag-bsam ljon-shing by Blo -bzang tshul-khrims rgya-mtsho.”
Nov. 26 Dr. Lin Chun-Yu, alumnus of the ninth graduating class of the Institute, obtained her Ph.D. from the Department of Central Asiatic Studies of the University of Bonn. Under the supervision of Dr. Dieter Schuh, she graduated with a thesis entitled, “Mi pham’s Systemization of gTo-Ritual.”
Nov. 29
Prof. Chou Hai-wen delivered a speech entitled: “How to Design Practical Access Database and SQL Syntax.”

Nov. 30
Sponsored by Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program, Mr. Wong Shi-jie, Vice Secretarial General of Taiwan Tibetan Exchange Foundation, presented a lecture entitled: “Buddhism and Social Change” at the Institute.

Dec. 07
Prof. Zhu Qing-zhi of the Department of Chinese Philology and Literature, Bejing University, China delivered a speech entitled, “Research on Hybrid Chinese in Buddhism.”

Dec. 07
The Textual Exhibition of Bodhisattva Guanyin at the library was concluded, with a total of 10,769 people having visited the exhibition.

Jan.– Dec. Work on the digitized version of Master Sheng Yen’s Collected Works. This included:
1. correction of errors in the 70-volume printed version;
2. completion of XML files for a 100-volume electronic version;
3. beta Internet version;
4. a virtual 100-volume electronic version on CD-ROM.
Jan.– Dec. Continued work on the CBETA (Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association) Buddhist canon. The Feb. 2006 version was issued on CD-ROM, which included Taisho vols. 1–56 and 35 volumes of the Xu zang jing, for a total of 91 volumes with over 100 million characters. Completion of the Xu zang jing is projected for the end of the year, to be included in the 2007 CD-ROM.
Jan. 04 A six-member delegation from the Santi Forest Monastery in Australia led by Ajahn Sujato visited the Library and Information Center, followed by a discussion with Prof. Yang Yu-wen.
Jan. 10 Prof. Solonin Kirill Jurievitch from the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Saint Petersburg University visited to deliver a lecture, “The Characteristics of Tangut Chan.”
Jan. 11 A delegation of five members from the Vien Giac Vietnamese Buddhist monastery in Germany visited the Library and Information Center.
Jan. 13 The Library and Information Center organized a lecture, given by Prof. Guo Youmeng, entitled “Doctrines and Practices Reflected in the Hexi Cave Images.”
Feb. 03 Prof. Fujita Kenji of Japan and Chung-Hwa graduate, Prof. Chen Yuzhi visited the Library and Information Center.
Feb. 18 A CBETA research conference was held along with the signatory ceremony with Buddhist academies for cooperation on adding modern punctuation to the Taisho canon.
Feb. 19 CBETA sponsored Wu Yilan, Lai Jieyong, and Wang Rong of Singapore visited the Library and Information Center as part of a five-member delegation.
Mar. 04 -
The Fifth Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism was held. A total of 25 papers were presented, with 14 in English and 11 in Chinese. Approximately 900 people attended over the course of the three days. The Department of Studies in Religion, Sydney University, with which the Chung-Hwa Institute had an exchange agreement, helped sponsor the conference with a donation of AU $2,000.
Mar. 06 The Chinese Electronic Full-text group of the Content Development Division of National Digital Archives Program organized a meeting entitled “Digital Treasures: Sharing of Experiences on the Digitization of Religious Texts.” Attendees included Dr. Monica Esposito and Dr. Christian Wittern of the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University. Prof. Aming Tu, other local scholars and specialists shared their experiences with regard to the digitization of religious texts.
Mar. 22 The application plan for the Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC) was formally submitted to Taiwan’s Ministry of Education.
Mar. 24 Rev. Gene Reeves, Ph.D., of Rissho Kosei-kai and the International Buddhist Congregation visited the Institute and Library and Information Center.
Apr.– Dec. The Dharma Drum Buddhist College Planning Office established a group for e-Learning and began work on the proposal to purchase a college-wide computer system.
Apr. 06 Two projects were awarded funding from the National Science Council: Prof. Lee Chih-fu’s “Ways of Developing Digital Content from Buddhist Canons and Constructing Markup and Knowledge Architecture of Sutra Catalog and Sutras” and Prof. Aming Tu’s “Study and Implementation of Multi-media files in Digital Collections: Tibetan Voice Recording Files.”

Apr. 12-18
Director Lee Chih-fu attended the World Buddhist Forum in Shanghai at the invitation of the Buddhist Association of China. He presented a paper entitled “A Proposal for the Creation of an International Buddhist Peace Fellowship.”
Apr. 12 Section Chief Xu Rongsong of the Tibetan Department in the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission visited students of the Institute’s Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program.
Apr. 14 Bhikkhu Bodhi of Bodhi Monastery in New Jersey visited the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education, and presented a talk entitled “Mapping One’s Way Through Early Buddhist Sutras.”
Apr. 27 A delegation led by Sonam Dorjee of the Central Tibetan Administration of H. H. the Dalai Lama and the Tibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama visited the Institute and learned about the Institute’s Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program.
May 10 A delegation led by Prof. Solonin Kirill Jurievitch visited the Institute.
May 12 Members of the Ministry of Education and relevant offices came to Dharma Drum Mountain and participated in meetings regarding the application plan for the Dharma Drum Buddhist College.
May 13 The project “Ways of Developing Digital Content from Buddhist Canons and Constructing Markup and Knowledge Architecture of Sutra Catalog and Sutras” participated in the 2005 Digital Content Project Presentation Exhibition held in the flagship Eslite Bookstore on Hsin-yi Road in Taipei by the Content Development Division of National Digital Archives Program. A five-minute presentation was made introducing this project.
May 25 A delegation of twenty members led by Ven. Zhaohui which included participants in the conference “Theory and Practice in Ven. Yinshun’s Thought” from mainland China, Hsuan Chuang University, Buddhist Hongshi Institute, and the Life Conservationist Association visited the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education.
June 01 Dharma Drum Mountain founder Master Sheng Yen invited Director Lee Chih-fu, Vice-Directors Ven. Huimin and Ven. Guo-jaw, as well as Zeng Jiqun of the Dharma Drum Foundation for the Humanities to discuss the Sheng Yen Education Foundation’s Project to Strengthen Chinese Buddhism.
June 20 Director Lee Chih-fu, Vice-Directors Ven. Huimin and Ven. Guo-jaw, Executive Secretary Hsiulan Chen, and General Engineer Chen Qiayou attended the Ministry of Education’s 2006 University Establishment Deliberation Committee meeting.
July 06 Institute Prof. Tsai Po-lang’s two-years project on Susumu Yamaguchi’s Chūkan to yuishiki was awarded funding by the National Science Council.
July 13 Students of the Chinese-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Program in the 2005–06 academic year gave a presentation to show their achievements to the Taiwan Tibet Exchange Foundation and the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission.
July 25 Li Lijuan of the Chinese Buddhist Association of Tianjin led a delegation of six members visited the Institute and Library and Information Center.
July 28 Dr. Mario Poceski of the University of Florida visited the Institute and gave a lecture entitled “Reassessing the Hongzhou School’s Basic Character and its Role in the Historical Evolution of Chan Buddhism.”
Aug. 11 The Ministry of Education gave formal notification of permission to begin planning Dharma Drum Buddhist College.
Aug. 14-
Ven. Huimin, Prof. Aming Tu, Ven. Fayuan, and Li Jiaming participated in the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) conference held in Seoul, Korea, giving a presentation on Eminent monks and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Ven. Huimin and Prof. Aming Tu participated in the Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative (EBTI) conference. It was decided to hold the next ebti conference in Taipei in conjunction with CBETA’s tenth-year commemorative international conference.
Aug. 16 A seventeen-member delegation led by Ven. Dattajeevo Bhikkhu, Vice-Abbot of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya in Thailand visited the Institute. Delegation members include graduates of the Chung-Hwa Institute Ven. Xiangzhi and Ven. Xiangdai, seven other monks, and eight lay followers.
Aug. 23 The Ministry of Education sent notification that the Institute’s selection for Dharma Drum Buddhist College’s board of directors was approved.
Aug. 26 Dharma Drum Anho Branch monastery held a colloquium on the Project to Strengthen Chinese Buddhism.
Aug. 27 The Ministry of Education’s Political Deputy Minister Mr. Lu Mu-lin and his wife visited the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education.
Aug. 28 A fourteen-member delegation led by Sakya Trinzin Rinpoche, including lay followers Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Changbang visited the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education.

Aug. 31–
Sept. 01

Buddhist Studies Information Network Center staff members participated in the Fifth Conference on Digital Collections Technology held at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Information Science.
Sept. 05 Director of the Rockefeller Asian Cultural Council, Mr. Ralph Samuelson, and Taipei National University of the Arts’ theatre college director Chung Ming-der visited the Institute.
Sept. 08 The first Dharma Drum Buddhist College directors’ meeting was held at the Sheng Yen Education Foundation.
Sept. 19-
Director Lee Chih-fu and Vice-Director Ven. Huimin attended the Third Xuanzang Conference held at the Daci monastery in Sichuan.
Sept. 28 Delhi University Department of Buddhist Studies head Bhikshu Satyapala led an eight-member delegation visited the Institute.
Oct. 02 Ven. Wuzhuo, Ph.D., University of Peradeniya visited the Institute and gave a lecture entitled “Comparative Notes on the Majjhima Nikaya.”
Oct. 17 Vice president of Vietnam Buddhist University Ven. Tri Sieu and Dean of Academic Affairs Ven. Hung Duc led a five-member delegation visited the Institute.
Oct. 23 Upon invitation by the Institute, Zhou Haiwan presented a lecture entitled “Applied Systems Database (I): The Creation of a Buddhist Catalog Database and an Introduction to its Website.”
Oct. 25 Prof. James Robson of the University of Michigan visited the Institute to deliver a lecture entitled “The Southern Sacred Peak (Nanyue): Buddhism, Daoism and Local Religious History in Medieval China.”
Oct. 31 Dr. Li Mingfang of the Chinese Culture University visited the Institute to deliver a lecture entitled “Applying Modern Chinese Punctuation to the CBETA Canon.”
Nov. 08 Upon invitation by the Canonical Cataloguing Project, Ven. Faxian visited the Institute and gave a lecture entitled “Features of the Kantong Catalog.”
Nov. 22 Liao Chao-heng, Ph.D., Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Tokyo University, visited the Institute to present a lecture “The Dharma-body as a Ship to the Shores of Nirvāna: From the Linji School in Jiangnan in the Late Ming to the Ōbaku shū in Japan.”
Dec. 01-07 The annual Library Week was held by the Library and Information Center. The theme reflected the upcoming establishment of the Dharma Drum Buddhist College: “Yesterday Once More: From N.land. to the Dharma Drum Buddhist College.” Activities included films, and digital exhibits such as “Nālandā Education Texts from Yesterday and Today,” paintings by Dharma Drum Buddhist College Personnel Office Director Jian Shuhua, and an exhibit commemorating the Library and Information Center’s fifth year. Chung-Hwa graduate Liu Peiqi shared her experiences of a visit to a Buddhist academy in Tibet.
Dec. Dharma Drum: The Collected Works of Master Sheng Yen was completed. A multi-featured Internet version will be made public in 2007.
Dec. 02 Upon invitation by the Insitute, Zhou Haiwen presented two lectures: “Applied Systems Database (II): Using MS Access with the Buddhist Catalog Database” and “Applied Systems Database (III): Difficulties and Solutions in the Buddhist Catalog Database.”
Dec. 26 After passage in a General Affairs meeting, a ceremony was held to pass on the Institute’s directorship.

Feb. 02-08 Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies (CHIBS) assisted in organizing the 2007 Workshop on Asian Buddhist Art in Taipei, organized by National Science Council of Taiwan and Academia Sinica’s Institute of History and Philology. The workshop took place at the International Conference Hall of Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education. Specialists and scholars from Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan participate in the workshop to explore the prospects of Buddhist Art.
Feb. 16 After continuous efforts by CHIBS to apply for the establishment of a mono-religious college according to the Regulations for the Establishment of Religious Colleges, an amendment to Article 9 of the Private School Law, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education finally granted the permission for the establishment of Dharma Drum Buddhist College.
Feb. 27 Master Sheng Yen gave a Dharma talk to encourage students during the Founder’s Time.
March 14 Held a field teaching activity for the students to visit three special exhibitions organized by the National Palace Museum: Compassion and Wisdom—Exhibition of Buddhist Relics; Exhibition of Painting, Calligraphy, Ju Ware, and Rare Books from the Northern Sung Dynasty; Treasures of the World’s Cultures: The British Museum after 250 Years.
Apr. 08 Dharma Drum Buddhist College officially forms after the plaque-revealing ceremony, and starts recruiting university graduates. The establishment of the Buddhist College reflected the fruit of efforts in education made by CHIBS for the past 20 years.
Apr. 08 An alumni reunion is held at the Haihui Meeting Chamber of the Administration Building on the same day in the afternoon. Master Sheng Yen attended the occasion and urges the alumni to continue their contribution and service to different fields of society with determination and resolution. More than 40 alumni of the institute participate in the reunion.
Apr. 08 With the establishment of Dharma Drum Buddhist College, CHIBS will stop recruiting new students, and will instead dedicate itself on research and publishing, and focus on cultivating researchers in Chinese Buddhism.
May 02 CHIBS organized a showcase exhibition for the 4th Dharma Drum Mountain Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Cultural Exchange Translation Studies Program. Master Sheng Yen attended the exhibition and gave an opening speech to urge the talent trained by the program to strive for two-way translation of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist canon. 14 Tibetan lamas graduate from the program this year.
July 07 Organized the One-day Chan of Buddhist Learning—a Buddhist summer camp. The summer camp provided guidance on Chan practice, and invited Venerable Guoyuan, chief instructor of the Chan Hall at Dharma Drum Mountain to give a lecture on Chan Buddhism of the Dharma Drum Lineage. More than 200 people participate in the event.
Sept. 01 CHIBS has organized courses for the Buddhist Study Promotion Center for many years. From the second session on, all the courses, except for the 13 courses of the first session, will instead be organized by Dharma Drum Buddhist College.
October CHIBS and the University of Ghent in Belgium discussed a treaty plan, created an opportunity for mutual academic exchange and collaboration.
Dec. 26 CHIBS held the Institute Director Handover Ceremony, supervised by Venerable Guodong, Abbot President of Dharma Drum Mountain. Venerable Guojing, former Vice Director of Dharma Drum Sangha University, took over the position from Venerable GuoZhao, Deputy Director of CHIBS, as the fifth Director since the establishment of the Institute in 1985. The handover signified inheriting the past and ushering in the future, and marks the expectation of the Institute to became one of the leading international institutes in Buddhist studies research, creating a new era for Chinese Buddhism.

Feb. 15-20 Co-organized the International Conference for Digital Buddhist Studies with Dharma Drum Buddhist College and other related organizations, to mark the 15th anniversary of the Electronic Buddhist Text Initiative (EBTI) and the 10th anniversary of the Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA).
Feb. 19 Master Sheng Yen gave a Dharma Talk on “Four Kinds of Environmentalism as the spirit of Dharma Drum University” in Founder’s Time.
March 09 Held the first Chinese Buddhism Project Conference. A group of faculty members from National Chung Hsing University and other related personnel from Dharma Drum Corporation and the Sheng Yen Education Foundation attended the conference.
Apr. 08 The faculty, staff, and students participated in the Institute’s anniversary celebration activities.
May Completed the submission guidelines for its Chinese Buddhism Essay Collection, which are published on the CHIBS’s official website.
May 07 Held a graduate student Buddhist thesis presentation meeting. Two graduate students, Venerable Dong’hong and Venerable Hongyu, made presentations of their thesis.
May 14 Venerable Guojing, Director of CHIBS, had a tea talk with 15 graduate students.
May 22 Mr. Seetharam, Director in general of the India-Taipei Association, visited Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education along with his wife and daughter, and made a special visit to CHIBS, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, and Dharma Drum Sangha University.
May 24-25 Assisted in the organization of the second International Conference on Master Sheng Yen’s Thought (Master Sheng Yen’s Thought and Chinese Buddhism). After the conference, Esther-Maria Guggenmos, Dr. Jason Clower, Dr. Miriam Levering, and Mary E. Donovan, came to CHIBS and paid a visit to the director.
May 28 Erik Hammerstrom, a doctoral student at the Department of Religious Studies of Indiana University, visited CHIBS.
May 31 Wang Xuanli, Xu Yuqing, and Stephanie Lin, doctoral students of Columbia University, paid a visit to CHIBS’ director to discuss the philosophy of Chinese Buddhism.
June 01 Invited Prof. Gu Zhengmei of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, an expert in Huayen Buddhist art, to give a speech to the Dharma Drum Mountain’s sangha monastic and Sangha University students.
June 02 Prof. Wu Zhongchao, a cosmologist, invited by the Study and Practice Center of Dharma Drum Buddhist College to be the holder of the semester’s Master’s Lecture Series on “Religious Sentiments of Cosmologists.” Prof. Wu and his wife also come to the Study and Practice Center, as well as CHIBS office paid a visit to the director.
June 11 Prof. Zhong Mingde, director of School of Theatre Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts, visited CHIBS.
June 23-29 Several research faculty members of CHIBS traveled to Emory University in Georgia, USA, attended the 15th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, and presented five essays for a conference theme entitled “Chinese Chan Buddhist Practice Related Research”, respectively authored by Venerable Huimin, Eric Goodell, Huang Yixun, Wang Huixin, and John MacRae.

June 26
Jessie Kelly, an administrative officer of Columbia University in the United States, visited CHIBS to sign the contract regarding the Fund for Publishing Chinese Buddhist Texts.

June 28
Venerable Ji Cheng, Director of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, visited CHIBS.

June 30
The 21st. issue of Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal (the first issue to be published in English) was completed and published.

Aug. 30-
Sept. 10

Venerable Huimin and Venerable Guojing lead a delegation consisting of faculty members and students of CHIBS and flew to Xinjiang, to attend the International Conference for Research on Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Road in China and India, which was planned by CHIBS and organized by Talimu University in Xinjiang, with the Buddhist College as one of the units assisting in the organization of the conference. The delegation later visited the Tuohulakeaiken Grottoes, and the Museum of Ancient Kuci in Xinhe County, as well as other ancient Buddhist sites to conduct an investigation for research purpose.
Sept. 08 Led by Prof. Mitomo Kenyo, more than 50 faculty members and students of the Department of Buddhist Studies, Rissho University, Japan, visited the Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education, and held a meeting for exchange of ideas.
Oct . 07 Lobsang Dhonyoe Rinpoche, former Abbot of Sera Monastery in South India, arrived at Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education and met with Venerable Guojing, Director of CHIBS, and Mr. Lee Chih-fu, Honorary Director of CHIBS.
Oct. 17-24 Venerable Yanzhen, Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs of Jiangxi Buddhist College, China and interim Abbot of Baofeng Temple, arrived at Dharma Drum Mountain World Center for Buddhist Education to began a 10-day visit on invitation of CHIBS. The venerable also audits the Institute’s graduate lessons.
Oct. 20 Prof. Gary Edson, curator of the Museum of Texas Tech University, paid a visit to Venerable Guojing, accompanied by Dr. Liu Wanzhen, Associate Prof. and Dean of the Graduate Institute of Museum Studies at Fu-Jen University.
Dec. 12-16 Prof. Anita Sharma of Delhi University, India, and his wife, as well as Prof. K. T. S. Sarao visited CHIBS.

Feb. 03 CHIBS’ Founder, Master Sheng Yen passed away. CHIBS’ graduate students and alumni are invited to participate in the memorial ceremony and assisted in contacting the scholars at home and abroad and compiling condolence letters.
Feb. 16 Vice President of the Chinese Buddhist Association, Venerable Master Xue Cheng; Secretary, Venerable Xian Jie, and editor-in-chief of the Association’s journal Dharma Voices, Mr. Lu Xun, visited the Institute.
Feb. 27 Father Pao Lin, Father Du Jingyi, and Father Lin Kelu, three foreign Catholic priests from Furen University, visited the Eco-friendly Memorial Garden and paid their respects to the late Master Sheng Yen. They were accompanied by Prof. William Magee on a guided tour of the DDM complex.
Feb. 28 CHIBS’ Director, Venerable Guo Jing, arrived in Wuxi in Mainland China to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Second World Buddhist Forum.
March 31 CHIBS’ Director, Venerable Guo Jing, delivered a speech entitled “From Protecting the Spiritual Environment to the Six Ethics of the Mind—An overview of How the Campaign of the Mind that Master Sheng Yen Promoted is Implemented in Taiwan” at the branch forum in Taiwan.
April CHIBS makes a donation to Columbia University for the establishment of the Permanent Fund for Academic Publication of Chinese Buddhism.
April 3 The conclusion of the project called, “A Study on the Cultural Exchanges between India and China on the Silk Road,” subsidized by the National Science Council and directed by Prof. Chih-fu. The Longshan Temple in Taipei sponsored the post-research work of the project with a donation of one million Taiwan dollars to be made in two installments. On April 3rd, the first portion of the donation is presented to Prof. Lee Chih-fu by Huang Qinshan, President of the Longshan Temple.
May The book entitled, Yang Yu-wen —Understanding and Practice of the Dharma, CHIBS’ 51st Book of Essays, was published. The author was Ms. Huang Kanru, a graduate of CHIBS.
May 22-23 Venerable Hui Jing (formerly Mr. Guan Shiqian, a lay Buddhist teacher) of the Yuanheng Monastery in Kaoshiung visited CHIBS and met with Prof. Lee Chih-fu, the Honorary Director of CHIBS, and Venerable Huimin, etc. The group went to the Eco-friendly Memorial Garden paid their respects to Founder Master Sheng Yen.
June For the project of Essays in Chinese Buddhism, a total of twelve proposals from different scholars had been submitted since the announcement for soliciting contributions was made. Review and evaluation of the proposals are underway.
June 13 In light of CHIBS 30th anniversary and the exhibition of achievement held by Dharma Drum Buddhist College after three years of its establishment, an opening tea party called “30+3” was held. More than 200 teachers and alumni as well as Buddhist clerics and laypeople who have supported the two schools attended the event.
August 26 A group of 5 scholars led by Prof. Xiong Wan, Dean of the Buddhist College of Huafan University, took a tour of the exhibition of achievement held in celebration of CHIBS’ 30-year anniversary, and met with Director Venerable Guo Jing. They left in the afternoon after visiting the Wish-Fulfilling Guanyin and the Lotus Bell.
Sept. 12 The educational institutes at the DDM complex jointly held a course completion and graduation ceremony of the 2009 academic year, which also marks the course completion of CHIBS 25th class.
Nov. 21 In light of the initiation of DDM’s 2009 Water and Land Dharma Assembly, the Water and Land Dharma Assembly Forum was held. This year’s forum is hosted by the DDM Sangha and CHIBS, with the cooperation of the Sheng Yen Education Foundation and the Preparatory Office of Dharma Drum University. On Nov. 21, approximately 400 participants attended the meeting with the aim to combine academic studies with traditional Dharma service.
Dec. 24 Prof. Bao Shengyong, Director of the Sociology Department at the Central University of Finance and Economics and a supporter of Buddhism in Mainland China, paid a visit to Director, Venerable Guo Jing and others at the Education and Administration Building. The two parties have an in-depth discussion regarding the exchanges of Buddhist studies and relevant activities across the strait. Then Lan Shiren, a graduate of CHIBS, volunteered to guide Prof. Bao and Dr. Xiong on a tour of the DDM complex.